I swear about half of my post count is from replying to 30STM threads. Anyways, as I have said before, I used to be a big fan of them, and I adored them a whole lot. That is, until I saw them live. I was most disappointed, not by the music, but by the attitude of one Jared Leto. The guy was an absolute twat, and he even punched a fan in the head, a kid who was just reaching up to his idol. Since then my like for them has decreased somewhat. Though I admit, I do like some of their newer songs >_> Hurricane especially.
Has anyone thought about the fact that if you could limitlessly positive rep people, it would also mean you could limitlessly negative rep people. Can you imagine the drama of that? Really not worth it. What I do when I hit my limit is keep a list in word, with the member name, and the post I want to rep them for.
Hola <3
Not bad ta, and you? You never replied to my email :C
Don't say I didn't warn you~ How are you doing anyways Kyleface?
Not bad ta, and you? C:
I have done, but I do not see you, I heard you were looking for it, but I never got an invite. Perhaps it might be easier if I add you instead.
A hihi <3
That wouldn't be wise, you'd get addicted to me and then would die of withdrawl symptoms if I left
So I see the rumours are indeed true, which makes a nice change. Hello there~
no u r rong, i do moar >:c That is so messed up :l I need a new MSN because I think mine is finally dying now
i liek totes miss you moar <333 and wat, why did it do that? How homo >:u Shall do <3
Three times now I have glanced past the title of this thread and mistakenly read it as "I dislike the boobs"
What if the dramarama is brought onto the forums BECAUSE of staff though? Or via staff, wouldn't it be a bit mean to ban it when it would be the actions of staff that caused said drama?
Thats what you think, uh I mean, I'm not hiding in your room watching you sleep.
Psh, like you're complaining
Firstly, sorry for not responding to this sooner, I am barely around on here anymore. My activity did not last long at all this time around ha. I...
Nowhere did I say that everyone on this forum is an FF fan. Nor did I say anything about intelligence. I also think it is unfair of you to imply that the average of an entire fan base is less than intelligent.
Craaaawwwwwwwwling in my skiiiiiiin etc etc I disagree, there was a lot of story involved in X, it went beyond Tidus' story and was about the stories of all the characters as well as Spira in general. It had a lot of reflections with the state of our own world too, which I liked. Plus, Blitzball. Plus, I loved the sphere grid.
There are posts in this thread by people saying they liked 12, they are posts by FF fans, what a nice contradiction. Besides, FF games aren't full of cliches and out of place romances. In this case it was the blandness and the battle system which caused me to dislike 12, it had naff all to do with the story line. The story could have worked well if the game itself didn't suck balls. Make me.