Search Results

  1. mchammer
    to terra :cheers: there on you
    Post by: mchammer, Jun 4, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  2. mchammer
    van- well kairi sense im single again i guess that means you want to go out with me
    Post by: mchammer, Jun 4, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  3. mchammer
    vanitas- i feel the love now
    Post by: mchammer, Jun 4, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  4. mchammer
    vanitas - ughhhhhhhhh whats for breakfest
    Post by: mchammer, Jun 4, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  5. mchammer
    Post by: mchammer, Jun 4, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  6. mchammer
    xemnas- riku i will oliterte yours and soras heart for i will **** on your dead bodys afterwoulds
    Post by: mchammer, May 6, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  7. mchammer
    vanitas- (disguise as a preist or what ever you want him be) riku i come to wedd you and aqua

    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  8. mchammer
    new rule you gotta tell me if you want another charter
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  9. mchammer
  10. mchammer
    vanitas- riku suck it i already got the ring and were doing it tonight if you no what i mean
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  11. mchammer
    mike- thanks hey guys there going tobe fights tonight
    van- and now the judges will grade you
    simon- i give him a ten for his penis
    chinse guy- i give u 8 american
    miss pigey- ten for being a hunk
    (ballons fall down) you just have become the winner of desion star makeover edtion, riku what are you going to do now
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  12. mchammer
    van s- correct

    No heart- heres a new suit of armer gives him a black version of terras armer

    mike vick- now for the most evilness thing you can, tell me how to do dog fights without the police nowing
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  13. mchammer
    van- well im techiclly ven so i can so its time for a speical edtion of dream makeover the turn riku into an evil guy edition

    van s- riku tell me what makes a person evil
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  14. mchammer
    van- now you cant be around people that are pure light like ven sora aqu and suprisenly kari
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  15. mchammer
    vanitas s- ah my nuts
    NO HEART- ugh i dont have a face (gives nuts back back to van
    van s- puts nuts back on

    van- what a pus afraid of a little darkness, man you need to embrace it and when you hang around people that are pure light it just makes ur darknes strong until it takes over killing you the sme thing happened to terra
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  16. mchammer
    NO heart- van s thats the singal
    (both van s and no heart kick down a door and come out holding mini guns rocket launchers and grenades and start firing at rikus car blwoing it up
    van s - oh yay get some boy *t-bags riku*
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  17. mchammer
    van- well if if we work together and crash there wedding and make aqua marry me then you can have riku to yourself right

    ASOD- get it in riku!!!
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  18. mchammer
    van- marly stop you want riku right (frezzes time for riku)
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  19. mchammer
    van- *takes hit and leaves afterimage hit riku from above
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  20. mchammer
    vanitas- ugh marly arent you xions boyfreind ( uses dark eniga on marly and riku
    Post by: mchammer, May 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups