Hey. I need to get my workout done. I'll get back to you in a couple of hours :( sowie. Bye for now.
Hey <3 I'm turning in to go to sleep, otherwise I might not wake up tomorrow. I'll tty tomorrow morning X3 night night
*pokes* yer box is full :((
Sorry, I have to go. Time for dinner. I'll see you layer tonight, ok? Bye bye.
*hugglesnuggles* X3
*nuzzles* it wouldn't be bad if you were emotional, either XD
No, I agreed that you have feelings.
No argument there XD
I know, but it's still fun to watch XD
*watches* :-)
...alright *hands him to you*
*is suspicious*...what's in him?
*checks my things*...a rubber duckie?
:-/ it seemed like a good idea at the time...
Nah, I planted a lipstick bug in your purse. This is regular lipstick.
*installs it, hands over your real lipstick*
*checks phone* ... *removes bug*
*hands over real purse with everything inside it*
Thank you XD *hands over your purse*
All of 'em -_-