It was, but it's over now, and I've recovered XD
Yup, fun times...XD my adventures in the chem lab would get worse and worse as time would go on lol
I've done worse XD mine was with the bunsen burner...
How are you, m'dear? X3 (ditto! lol)
:glomp: (I back. Got breakfast to I won't miss this XP)
Good morning X3 (sorry, but I'll brb, need to get breakfast XP)
Neither is being dead while not being corpse, yet you're able to pull it off. I'm the one defying logic now! WAHA! *legs run after you, arms go...
Who else could it have been?! *walks with stiff legs and limp arms towards you* Uuuuughh....corpse legs and dead arms...O_O I'mma zombie!!
*comes back to life* ugh......wha? *tries to move limbs* ... ... arms are dead, and I have the legs of a corpse...I blame you for this XP
Glomp Limit XD
:glomp: :glomp:
'Cause I'm weird that way. XD
Well.....kinda XD
Yeah yeah *huggles* You're still loving every minute of it <3 I know you better than that lol.
>_>............*knocks self out with a blunt object*
I've had my head dipped in science logic all day. This is illogical...I currently have a headache from it, and it's acceptance.
So am I, in a minute...