awww I love you <3 This is why I don't watch the view and arch [video=youtube;Widfun4HjPY][/video] you can't escape it you can't escape it
tell me that doesn't hurt your eyes and the Queen looked so pretty in yellow <3
The yellooooow It buuuuuuuurns Luna what would you do if I just stopped reading your posts cause they hurt my eyes?
Can't wait for snaaapes memmory :D :D :D :D :D and luna, if I have to change my skin from the pretty pink one to the regular its going to be because of you and your yellowness
Marcell - very nice oh and my friend was upset I didn't show you guys Trouty Mouth [video=youtube;8tizlKcSH1A][/video]
Get Him to the Greek was last movie I saw, twas good Easy A and you need to watch all the Harry Potters!
haha yep, I have that album :) [video=youtube;FDnHZlvyerM][/video] This is 10x sexier Mike and Shue Sooooo sexy
1. I have to say it was pretty good for the clean version 2. Glee made Toxic sexier, thankyouverymuch 3. They don't just cover, they had a whole episode devoted to Original Songs thankyouverymuch:[video=youtube;6Y1D0v1uunU][/video] and my person fav: [video=youtube;vy5PxRBVJ2k][/video] xD But your song shouldn't be the thing to get you on the radio, but your voice, and all those kids can sing! Except Mike, but he can dance like nobodies bussiness 4. Noo, cause the glee cover is quite awesome 5. I dislike her too, but I like the glee covers cause the kids can actually sing, unlike Katy Perry xD And thank you~ <3
[video=youtube;PhO6CrDKPLE][/video] Darren Criss's brother is actually in the band who wrote/performed the song I used in this video xD
:P Well I'm currently rendering a new video right now...
ajk: he's in A Very Potter MUSICAL 8D See post above and start watching it! TIS EPIC He seriously wrote and performed a Harry Potter Musical as his senior project how awesome is that? Cat: Ohohohoh! And every katy perry song! [video=youtube;E46BhMIRujI][/video] [video=youtube;tm5BTBGEqVo][/video] (Couldn't find the video of Tina singing 'I kissed a girl' ): )
WHAAAAAAAT!?! -dies again- where have you been!? UNDER A ROCK!?! [video=youtube;wmwM_AKeMCk][/video]
How do you not know who Darren Criss is!?!? -dies- he was Harry Potter in A Very Potter Musical and he's Blaine on Glee and the world loves him and his pink sunglasses!
CAAAAAAAAAAAT! You're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D *glomps* We shall celebrate with pictures of Darren Criss!!!
Luna: so luuucky oh arch l got a lego snape keychain 8D l also got ron I don't know if you guys know this but l'm known for my lego keychains
haha yeah xD I don't think star makes em...
Ienzo, thank you~ :) Chevy made em for me ^^