Huh...should be interesting, since Brian just chomped him.
Is he real or someone Myuki has made up?
Brian has, for some strange reason or other, has dedicated his life to following Dr. Hanibal, after watching Silence of The Lambs. Brian:...
Why, yes he is! And he wants to come to your birthday party and call you "Clarice," for some strange reason... :-/
:-/ who on earth is Kyo, and why is he objecting over disqualification?
lol I meant to say "brain", but again, I read the script wrong XD I was making a referrence to the Red vs. Blue episode, "Zombie Plan." XD
Oh, okay. You see how in the loop towards music I am XD
*leg snaps off, falls down*...dang it.
;-; but we likeh deh gremlin....wait, what's this gremlin you're talking about? Is it an addition for the guitar or something?
*looks at script* Dang it, I read the script wrong. *continues*...mooooaning...mooooooooooaaaaaninnnnnnnnnngggg....
Cool XD the only chance at a musical instrument I had was a xylophone XP (and a guitar, but I didn't have anyone to teach me, so that was out).
Sounds like fun XD you ready for it?
*comes back as a zombie*.....briaaaaaannnn....I waaaaant briaaaaaaaann....
I'm happy about it lol XD so, what's your list of agendas for today?
D8 LE GASP! *dies* X_X
Would have shocked many people, that's for sure XD lol
Or as Ron Stoppable would say, "Not dumb luck, KP, dumb skills!" XD
Well, yeah, that goes without saying XD actually, it would have been dumb luck if I got an A on the test =D
*huggles back* lol my jaw dropped when I saw it XD I seriously don't know how I pulled it off. I thank both God, and for His ever important...
Good enough XD I meant to tell you yesterday, I got the results from my test. I don't know how I pulled this off, but I got an 84 on it. XD