Lax jumped up, startled."What happened to you?Did somebody snap a string?" Lax said getting up and walking into the meeting room. Al walked out of the ship."Whoa....where am I?" Al said looking around."Hey!Namine!" he said waving.
"Okay we-.....has anyone seen Lax?"He pointed to Demyx."Go check his room!And if I hear you mutter one complaint you WILL be punished!"
OOC:Can someone post a recap ive been away for a while :/
Lax slept peacefully as Xemnas called a meeting of the Organization. Al woke up realizing he had fainted from exhaustion.
"FIRAGA!" he yelled firing a ball of fire at Shadow Star.
Al reached out."NAMINE!STOPGA!" he yelled at shadow star.
not much u?
Al hugged Namine."Really?"
"About what?" Al said, slipping the shirt over his head.
Al thought for minute then a shirt appeared in his hand.Al smirked rubbing Namine's head.
Al ignored Gamer and looked down realizing he had no shirt on."Hey egg!That other egg was lying when he said you didn't have reality bending right?"
"Awww c'mon tall dark and ******ed,no personal attacks please." he said nodding torwards the roof.
Hehehe......*puff puff* *coughs* Oh nothin.....WEED know if we googled it.....
"I have decided.My mind has been changed and I had overreacted.Axel is allowed to stay as he probably doesn't know better.I will allow Xion to stay but I'm keeping my eye on her.Roxas seems to be with the "heroes" and unless he proves otherwise my ban still remains on him.Xemnas said. Al shot Gamer a look and rolled his eyes.
I understand you feel bad but yoiu should feel like a serious bad ass! you beat the crap out of someone talkin sh*t and turned down an @$$hole!...
you don't sound so sure....something wrong?
doin alright, u?
hi there to you as well..
Spider-Man sighed."You guys just plan this crap don't you?Lemme guess there's someone hiding in one of the cars waiting to pop out?I swear its like a video game."
"I just told you!" Spider-Man yelled at them."Now if you would,LET ME DOWN ALREADY!"