"Aw come on it was fun," Wesely said as started walking down the tunnel. Nox looked up at where they came from he saw the air shimmer for a moment. No doubt now they were being followed.
OC:eh not even going to bother Nox followed the group down. Wesely looked gitty he was more excited about the fact he was exploring ruins than he was about the keyhole.
"Yeah theres some sturdy pipe," Wesely said as he tied off the rope. With the rope secure all Wesely waited for the rest of the group to come down the rope.
Wesely made it to the ledge and brought the rope over. He looked for something to tie it to. "I have it covered don't worry," Nox wispered. He then shouted at Wesely, "see anything?"
"Put away the sword," Nox wispered, "it's a Darkran soilder. If he wanted us dead we would have attacked by now. Ignore him and wait until we can get the jump on him." Wesely stoped before he touched the water. He started to moves his feet foward then back then forward again. Wesely was trying to swing to the opening.
Wesely shuffled his feet on his way down letting the rope slowly slide through his hands.
Wesely sliped on the gloves and picked up the rope. He turned around and was ready to desend, "Wish me luck."
"Pipes wouldn't suport our weight," Nox said judging the strength of the pipes. He pulled out some rope from his bag but he wasn't sure what to do with it now. Wesely took of his coat and grabed one end of the rope, "Hold on to this." Wesely gave his coat to Valerie. Wesely looked around and saw a bit of stone that looked secure. Wesely tied the rope around the stone and threw the rest off the ledge. "Okay now for gloves. Gloves... gloves gloves," Wesely looked at Sora. "Sora give me your gloves."
"We have no idea how deep the water is," Wesely mentioned. He shined his light around the room trying to find a way down. He didn't really see any safe routes. Nox was looking through his bag to see if he could find something that could help.
Wesely walked slowly and kept his light down in case there was a drop off in the tunnel and sure enough there was. The tunnel opened up into a large and deep chamber with water flowing out old Roman pipelines. Wesely shined his light into the bottom of the chamber. There was water at the bottom as well as anouther passage.
The group could hear running water echoing in the passage. "We must be getting close to something," Wesely said as he moved forward.
Wesely was the first to start moving forward again. He walked slowly in the dark ether in fear or just simply being carefull you couldn't really tell.
Nox handed out flash lights to everyone. Wesely turned on his, "is it just me or do flash lights make the dark creeper?"
It was starting to get dark in the passage way. Nox opened up his back pack, "I've got some lights hold on."
The group was making it's way down. Wesely found an underground passage. "Come on hurry up," Wesely said with excitment in his voice. To him this is what he had to look forward to after college exploring ruins in detail.
OC: borrowing Sora for more comic relief Wesely reached the door with the others and saw the lock on the door. Sora summoned his Keyblade, "I got it." Wesely used the but of his gun to break off the lock then he opened the door for everyone. "Why do I even bother," Sora said in defeat.
Wesely looked around for a way down. Nox found a locked door that looked like it lead down, "over here."
OC: the current leader of the Heartless (Nasele) called off the Heartless in a sign of good faith for Eden and the rest to join her "We need to get to the collesuem's lower levels," Wesely said as they went into the collesuem. The place was massive ment to hold thosands of people much like today's stadiums.
OC: Val Xert isn't with you it's Nox. Xert has more important things to do The car stoped and the group was outside the colloseum. Wesely looked out and felt a tad dispointed he thought it would be more impressive. Nox got out of the car without a second thought. To him it was a building and nothing more.
"Well so far I think I'm doing a good job. Besides the girl was looking for her sister if she'd stuck around long enough she would have distracted us with a pointless search for her sister. We don't have time for that," Wesely explained, "I've gotten us this far haven't I?"