I found out he's a Twilight fan, and he has a barbie doll that looks like Bella Swan. :/ He also has an Edward doll.
...I like Total Drama. <<'
*cheers up and dries my damp eyes*
I should also be at school. 8D
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late~
Been about...a year since I last posted here? XD Spoiler Lame webcam is lame.
Alright, I think I can make a post tomorrow. I'm usually always posting in RPs, but...I dunno. Guess I've been more caught up with life.
Aw, Happy B-Day. <3
Gave you all I have but you tossed it in the trash~ Oh, lol. I was beginning to think it got lost in the mail or that I had a corrupt mail man....
Psh, Kai. :/ Blue Mr. Popo
I like her, but they overplay her.
And when it got to one of those lovely dovey parts with the dramatic kiss...I felt it. Like, I felt the feeling and passion they felt for each other. It...it touched my heart.
NOOOOOOOOOO. If I hear that song one more time... ; ;
Depressed. << ...You~?
"Don't believe in the you who believes in me. Don't believe in the me who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself."
Well, I don't think god loves your hate for JB.
Go right ahead, Ienzo. :'D THANK YOU.
; ; You poor thing. Lolololololo. On FB, he said that he would date any type of women before black women. XD I wanted to. B|