I've seen better. Good job.
Title speaks for itself. I, personally, hated the Hover Ghosts. They always seemed to annoy me, especially when there's several of them.
Well done, Misty, well done. The new skin is very clean, and I enjoy the continuation of the darker colors. Seems fitting for Khv.
No, it has been here for quite a while.
I think Blue died.
Truth .
ooc: Sorry guys, but this RP just isn't doing it for me. I'm out.
I can't promise, either. In the time I've been away, I've developed a life. :why?:
Indeed, it could be possible. But not likely. I am doing fantastically. How are you, sir?
[video=youtube;PxsGyljd6B0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxsGyljd6B0[/video] You know he's telling the truth, at least a little bit.
This is an interesting thought. Though, I can sort of see what you're getting at - not just from reading about it, but from experience. Let me explain. I have been saved/baptized. I had followed God in 8th grade until my early Sophomore year in High School. Then, out of nowhere, I sort of dropped it. Now, I live with a sort of.. Understanding that if Jesus Christ isn't up there, there must be something up there, but I don't live by rules created by a God. I live by what I find to be right, morally. In the past year and a half of my not following a God, I have seen the way others see Christians and from my time in being a Christian, I have seen what it's like to live from the inside. I find myself sometimes thankful for being on the outside now. Not because of the things I can do because my mind isn't restricted by the rules and regulations of an almighty power hovering over my head, but because I can escape from the (please don't take offense from this) ignorance of what Christians may see. Think of it like this: A Christian sees a person who doesn't follow God. What do they think of them? Say they don't judge them, but merely gather information to see what the person's status with God or in any kind of religion is. Let's call this person, Jay, and the Christian, Dee. Dee sees Jay and learns that Jay is "lost." So, Dee's goal is to tell Jay about God and to maybe show Jay the way to Dee's God's redemption(?). Now, I see Jay. Let's say Jay is a Caucasian male, who doesn't get in trouble often and has average grades. He doesn't party on the weekends and he doesn't do drugs. He plays video games, plays sports and hangs out with his friends, who are just as normal as him. What are my conclusions? He's an alright guy, and he doesn't need to change. But Dee, on the other hand, finds that Jay isn't religious and strives to maybe change that. I find that to be a sort of ignorance. I find that Christians cannot see outside of the walls created by their God, but Atheists can see inside if they so please, and also see on the outside of what it is to be religious. Though their thoughts and actions are not bound by an all-knowing God, they can see "eye-to-eye" with what a God finds good and bad, depending on the Atheist's morals. All in all, I agree that Atheists can be closer to God than a Christian can.
Truth. But growing up (somewhat) on this site, I've seen Premiums from the outside looking in and always thought that if someone was a Premium,...
Stereotypes about hair? Been there, done that. It's not that people actually think that those stereotypes are true about people with certain colors of hair, it's more along the lines of what's more fun. It's fun to joke with some blondes because some of them sometimes say something stupid or off topic or something that is absolutely out there and no one knows what they are talking about (notice I did not have a gender specification). Not only that, but I know way too many brunettes and none of them are boring at all. In fact, I know a brunette who is probably one of the most interesting people I know, just because of the way she dresses. Don't even get me started on her personality. But the whole "slap a ginger day" thing is just because red hair is actually a mutation among humans. Well, it started out that way, at least. It grew in numbers but is slowly dying out. So, if it makes you feel better, red hair is slowly becoming extinct. Yes, people are idiotic because of their.. "hair-ism", but it passes with age.
I suppose you're right. Very, very on and off. But it really doesn't bother me. The whole idea of being premium on this site lost it's.. Well, it...
Is it just me, or is it funny that you've been here for two months longer than me, yet I haven't even reached Premmy yet? xD
Don't feel bad. I've been here nearly 5 years and I don't even have one.
Well, I was just going to stay at home and play Mario.
Though I've only played minor bits of Mass Effect and KotOR 2, I've played plenty of Mass Effect 2 and have loved the different characters for the party. Misty basically took everything there was to say about how the depth of the characters within the parties changed the game entirely, but nonetheless, I agree. I've enjoyed Mass Effect 2's party, but that's the only game I've extensively played.
Juxe blankly watched, almost entertained if he had a heart, as he took another drag of his cig.
Good, good. Now, when I'm home on Friday nights, we can talk. :lolface: