OOC: Reason for longass response: Addictive videogames BIC: Mya finished dressing and walked towards the springs. She slid into the heated pool and purred in delight. Ahh it's so soothing. She closed her eyes.
OOC: Sorry for not responding. I was high off video games DX BIC: Mya opened her eyes and looked up at Zane. Good morning Zane.
Mya nodded. I'm alright. Just a bruise and maybe some broken skin. Anyways, what was that? Did you hear a roar or something? I'm pretty sure this earthquake wasn't natural. And you don't look so well either.
Mya decided to head back until the ground shook violently. Huh?! What's going on?! An earthquake?! She then slipped on the floor and smacked her head against the window of the bathroom. Oww! As the shaking ceased, Mya got up, holding her head. Ugh that's was horrible. Ow my head. Wonder what happened to the others... She quickly headed back.
OOC: But we gotta keep this child friendly ya know? :3
Mya purred softly and nuzzled Zane in her sleep.
Mya finished picking up the glass shards and then examined her hands only to see them all cut up from handling the broken glass. She cursed silently and headed over to the bathroom. As she starts to fix up her hand, she closes her eyes and replayed everything that happened today. I'm so childish. Complaining about a pick up job. Grow up you wuss. She patted her hands dry and applied bandages to them. Hopefully they won't criticize my work just because my hands hurt...
Mya purred gently and pulled Zane closer.
OOC: Oh I'm sorry! ^^" Yes you're accepted.
OOC: Let me rephrase that. They're gonna have clothes on, jut like swimming suits and stuff. Don't get nasty <<" Jk XD BIC: Mya walked through and tribes around so her back was facing Dementrio. Don't peek. She tossed off her clothes and put on a 2 piece suit. Hark followed Leyna. So who's goinna dress up first?
Mya poked Kevin in the forehead, making him sway. I'm no doctor, but it doesn't take much to say if you can move or not. Don't be stupid. You can barely stand.
Mya gave him a small have before looking around for something to clean up. She stood up and tossed some broken glass into the trash. OOC: Ughhhhh short DX
Mya entered the dining hall and marveled at the food. Wow it looks delicious! She then remembered her manners and sat down, waiting for Alic and the others to get situated.
Mya jumped after them with ease. She then saw the scene in front of her and scratched her head. Well he might as well lock us up and make us listen to some boring music until we die of boredom. I just can't stand these mind tricks.
As they arrived at the springs, instead of the regular separation, it was separated by race instead of gender. It had 3 signs. One a wing, one a tail, and one a man. Mya looked back. Huh. They separated it by race. Whatever. Makes things more intresting. She headed towards the tail door.
Mya kissed him back, now turning over so she was on bottom.
Mya wave her hands and slowly buffed her teamates with an assortment of boosts and sped them up. She then glowed red and raised her gunblade. I won't let my friends down! She ran towards Cid and aimed a slash at his side.
Mya looked next to her startled and saw Wyatt. Oh. Y-yea. It sort of does. She felt a bit awkward sitting and talking to someone she barely knew. She watched Zelos and Kisa leave and sighed. Man they got along so well even though she said he wasn't her "type."
No problem. I'm here to help. She saw people running around and smiled. They'll be fine. You on the other hand...
Mya followed Grey and the others to the hall. She then examined the room. This guy know how to screw over with our minds