It's horrible, isn't it? And now they are having trouble with the economy, and work and things...
Yesh, but I'll make the shool pay you back..^_^ (Can be very evil)
Ah, XP, I thought so, Google earth is showing some weird images...
Aha, about the dying people, they are puppets, XP But there are programs for animations..I know Flash...
Okay, good to hear ^_^
Yeah, Ik durf te wedden dat ie in paniek was... Maar wie niet, Ik bedoel, Japan is best een belangrijk land... En dat met die kernreactoren nu...
Well apparently, the Japanese people knew it would come because of the events in Australia. So, they knew bout the earthquake, but not about the Tsunami
Hey, how are you?
Heej daar! Hoe gaat het? Gehoord wat er is gebeurt in Japan?
Good to hear she's okay! And about the person, the thing he said is probably a tweet...
Okay, so I'm a pure atheist. And that guy, well I hope a building dropped on his haed and thets why he talks rubbish... If not, then he should go to the deepest cave on earth and stay there. I know there are people who say that God punished Japan. Because it is a Godless country or something. @Naomi; You know, google started a person finder.
XP, thank you!
Did you see what happened in Japan!!! I have to spend money to help their economy again!
Hha, were are you living? in a cave? And we could always use the dept of the grand canyon...
So a 8.9 magnitude earthquake has hit Japan. There's life footage at the moment of tthe chaos and the aftershocks. Also just minutes after the eartquake, a 10 meter tall tsunami hit the same city... There are 12 deaths confirmed at the moment...
So which starter did we all choose? I got Snivy, and renamed it Smugleaf, Xp
Indeed, haha, I'll show you guys the progress, okay? I still need to paint a frame, so it'll take a while...
About a princes who gets saved, >3< I'm sissy, and I like fantasy fairytales... All the other kids are going to let people die...
OMG, that meas it's really cold out there... I don't like the cold...
That's not so tall to be honest... Theres no Empire state building anymore. We could use the Taipei tower as height thingy...