Getting out of his MHW, Garrus was clearly angry at what happened. "Damn it all to hell!" His custom Striker was in shambles, his arm was nearly completely stripped of armor and the leg was severely damaged. The shouolder armor was broken and was fixed in one position. There were cuts and holes all over the Striker.
"What the... what's going on?" Garrus was defending the outer cylinder from the pods trying to dig their way through.
"Hmm... well, given the circumstances, I don't think protecting his sorry behind is on my mind right now. All I care about is the damn ship." Garrus slid over to cover the port-stern corner and sliced some MHWs that he thought were acting odd.
"Damn... hadn't thought of that..." Garrus stopped firing and pulled out his Beam Sword.
"Don't worry, I have an Identification System on here, so I know who's who. I'm not just shooting like a wild man out here." Garrus fired at more MHWs with his Beam Rifle.
Garrus launched his Striker and pulled out his Modified Beam Rifle and blasted any MHWs that came into his sight.
"Quit your yammering and let's go, dammit!" Garrus strapped in and activated his Striker.
"Well regardless, I think this is going to be fun. I get to test out some of the mods I did a couple days ago." Garrus cracked his knuckles with a smirk on his face.
"Oh, very well then." Garrus went over to the bridge as quick as possible.
"Huh? Why?" Garrus seemed uninterested and only tilted his head slightly to face Alistair.
As Garrus passed Alistair on his way to the bridge, he thought, "It's that guy again. Frickin' bolt-chucker." He furrowed his brows after he passed him.
Man, I was going to install a better jet pack on this thing. Jeez, dammit. Garrus floated towards the bridge with his supplies in a bummed out manner.
Ryden looked around the tower with a curious eye, seeing the smoke from the apex. "What was that?"
"Great, now there's no time to get parts... Dammit." Garrus got out of the cockpit and floated towards the bottom and gathered up his supplies.
"Whatever. Hey, do you know what time it is?" Garrus stretched out his arms and cracked his neck.
Garrus woke up with a groan and the cock of his head. He opened his eyes and looked at Alistair with a pissed off glare. "Man, what the hell was that for?"
Garrus was inside of his custom Striker, sleeping in the cockpit of the MHW, snoring loudly.
OOC: Damn, that was too much to read, my eyes hurt. Name: Garrus Antonius Anastasis Birthday: February 23rd Age: 27 Gender: Male Description: Click Affiliation: Federation Occupation: MHW Mechanic and Pilot Rank: Master Sergeant Colour: Black with White trim and designs MHW/Ship: Customized Striker/The Ark History: Both of Garrus's parents were part of the Empire. They were killed in the line of duty as MHW Pilots. Before they died, they told Garrus that when the time was right, the would teach him how to build and pilot MHWs. Unfortunately for him, they died when he was 11 years old. When he was 15, he learned how to build MHWs from a friend of the family and his guardian after his parents died. When he started building, his guardian realized that he was extremely talented with MHWs, being able to make an ancient Hound run after giving it a tune-up. He went to the Federation to get revenge on the Empire for taking his parents away from him. He joined the Federation at the age of 19, rising through the ranks and helping the MHW pilots maintain their MHWs.
Username: No Heart-X Name: Ryden Di Ronsenburg Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Click Personality: He is usually withdrawn, keeping to himself whenever he's with other people. He is very polite and respectful even in battle, going as far as not to hit someone when their backs are turned. However, if he is provoked enough, he will relentlessly strike down someone without realizing it. Biography: Ryden doesn't really speak to anyone or have any friends at all. He was abandoned as a child and never really knew how to interact with other people. He is extremely intelligent, able to hack any device and retrieve any data from it. He drifted around from place to place, not having any place to call a home. When it comes to fighting, he is somewhat gifted, using two swords he found laying around in combat. Weapon: Two swords that can connect at the handles. Location of Brand: {For later on} Right eye Magic Type: Earth, Fire, Wind Eidolon: Chaos ~ Gestalt - Heavily-armed Hovertank
"You don't get it, do you? With all of the Worlds connected, keyblade bearing warriors will flock here, to battle for the light in Kingdom Hearts. And then, just like the legend said, the Keyblade War will begin." X dodged it and teleported to just below Kingdom Hearts