Meh, time zones screw with my head too.
XION HATERS MUST DIE!!! Yesh, nami is cool. I like Aqua better though. Least favourite character(s)? Sora, possibly vexen. Least fav girl, Ima go...
I can't believe barely anyones up for keeping the book and finidng the key. C'mon, I came here to screw fictional peoples lives up and cause WWIII. I don't feel like prying it open, though, it may have an alarm, or a prying-open-dairy-triggered shotgun hidden inside it somehow. Who knows?
I can get on now, assuming you can get on too.
....We need another conversation starter. Hit me.
....Sure, what the hell... Favourite character? Mine would be either Vanitas or Roxy, But if I chose a girl, Aqua. If not her, then Xion.
Anyone on yet?
That's fine, I ened up having to leave anyways.
True. Anything else to talk about?
*Cursing outlout while punching the wall* *ahem*. This sucks.
Hee hee! I'm talking to you now :3
*Muttered cursing* Anyways, when you post here, and your at home, tell me if you're on and I'll get there as quick as I can.
:/ So, you said you were on a school computer, yeah?
Very good :D Can you still come talk on Voxli?
OH! thats the loading screen. try refreshing?
"clock things"? Hang on, Lemme get back on.
When the white screen with the stuff on the right hand and the little dot (you, change it by clicking on your symbol to the right) somewhere in...
Oh, kay. I'll add you, btw.
Wait, you have an account, yeah? Soory bout that.
Kay, you can come to mine :D Make an account, then go here. .