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  1. heartless_angel
    OOC: Too far program. Change starter.

    BIC: Jane smiled at her Butterfree. I'm not really the patient one. While she was talking, she didn't notice her Pidgey flying off into the woods.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. heartless_angel
    Mya clung onto Zane's arm, still purring in her sleep.

    Sasha slept soundly.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. heartless_angel
    OOC: New rule peoples. Do not overuse the Shiny Pokemon. I mean dont have like a full team of them.

    BIC: Mya sighed as she wandered around the forest. This forest is lame. Nothing too good to catch out- As she talked, an Eviee (think I spelled it wrong XD) ran by. Whoa! An Eviee! I gotta catch that! Go Squirtle! Her Squirtle came out. Use water gun followed up by tackle! The ambushed Eviee had no chance as her Squirtle knocked down the Pokemon quickly. Mya then threw her Pokeball at it, capturing it. After 3 shakes and a beep, Mya happily picked up the Pokeball. Yes! Our first Pokemon Squirtle!

    Jane walked over and smiled at her Butterfree. Great catch you got there. It's so beautiful!
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. heartless_angel
    Mya purred softly in her sleep and cuddled against Zane.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. heartless_angel
    OOC: Skip to next morning? 8D
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. heartless_angel
    OOC: Yea Shadox who are you talking to? :/
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. heartless_angel
    OOC: It's not magic, ITS THE FORCE 8D

    Yea I forgot about that. Meh whatever.

    BIC: Mya continued to hack at Sasha viciously, but she continued to block her attacks. Just because I'm a magician doesn't mean I can't fight. She knocked Mya's gunblade out of her hand and pinned her to the floor with her foot. You're fighting for a lost cause Mya. Mya shook her head. No, the cause may be small, but nothing is lost as long as I'm alive! Sasha pointed her Sythe at her neck. Do you have any idea what would happen if this ever came into contact with your blood? It would tear apart your soul fromyour body. We don't want that now do we?
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. heartless_angel
    Mya stood up. I'll distract her while you guys coordinate a surprise attack. I'll give you guys the signal ok? She ran up to Sasha and attacked her.

    Sasha stepped out of the way and swiped back with her sythe.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. heartless_angel
    Mya frowned and nodded. You're right. Maybe I'd go for a Pidgey instead or something...

    Jane turned around and yelped as she saw the Kakuna. Gosh! For a lousy Pokemon, you scared me! She examined the Kakuna, which was still on the branch motionless. Huh. You're not really worth the catch though.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. heartless_angel
    Sasha narrowed her eyes. Foolish boy. Releasing an amount of energy like that carelessly.

    Dementrio! Mya ran over and cheched his vitals, which were ok.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. heartless_angel
    OOC: REVIVE THIS RP!!! HALLEJUELA (I spelled it wrong didn't I?) XD

    BIC: Mya walked into the storage room as well. She gave out a few coughs as she wasn't too fond of the dust as well. She looked around the foreign room, looking for anything particular. So Azure, you find anything useful for this jouney?
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. heartless_angel
    Mya sighed and then closed her eyes. Alright then. Sleep well Zane. She then drifted off to sleep.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. heartless_angel
    Sasha blocked the arrows and then created a prisim around them. You guys should've quit when you had the chance. She snapped her fingers and the prisim slowly began to shrink.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. heartless_angel
    Mya giggled and cuddled close to him.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. heartless_angel
    Mya looked around excitedly. I want a Pikachu too!

    Jane examined the forest, not noticing a Kakuna staring at her motionless on a branch.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. heartless_angel
    OOC: Sorry for not responding. I was sick Yesterday D:

    BIC: A giant shockwave knocked everyone down as Sasha slowly got up, a small trickle of blood running down her face. I suppose play time is over. We play by my rules now. Her sword turned into a giant sythe. She then cut her own hand, spilling blood on the floor, creating a black and red circle around her.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. heartless_angel
    Mya smiled. Thanks. Now where to start at...?
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. heartless_angel
    Mya laughed as his Charmander fell to the floor. Alright. That's enough fooling around. Anyways, you want to help me out catch some Pokemon? I really need an extra or two.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. heartless_angel
    Mya purred in delight and nuzzled his neck. Enjoying yourself?
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. heartless_angel
    Sasha stood there in silence, then lowered her gun. Heh. You really put a lot into this girl, but dedication can only go so far. She warped be hind her and launched her into the air and then pounded her back into the ground, cracking it. She then looked back at Mya. The weakness in all of you is when she's down, you would do anything to keep her safe. Even if you have to sacrafice yourself.

    THe problem is that I'm not down am I? Sasha turned around and Mya knocked her into the floor. Sorry that I ruined your plans. The unconsious Mya poofed into a cloud of smoke.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Jan 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home