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  1. Garxena
    Whoo! Awesome weekend! College auditions went smoothly (I hope!). I got to meet some amazing people and see some cool shows at the Utah Theatre Association's 35th annual "convention." It was fun and all, but with all the activity I did it looks like I'll be going back to physical therapy for my back. -_- So worth it.
    Post by: Garxena, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Garxena
    Terra swallowed the fear rising in her stomach. The beast was huge and headed straight for her and Kid Devil. She couldn't use her powers, couldn't run away, couldn't get Kid Devil out of the way, and definitely could not fight the monster. Her mind was scrambling for a way to get out of the position she'd been placed in. She could hold her ground and try to kick the beast's legs out from under it, but that wasn't looking like a good option at this point. She could roll out of the way, but she'd be leaving Kid Devil behind. She could try to move some earth, but she would be risking shock and possibly collapsing or caving in the building they were in.


    Elena smiled the best she could as a thanks to Green Lantern. Kindness had become a rare thing in her travels. She walked ahead of Green Lantern, loving how the brilliantly white building stood in front of her. She'd read about it and seen pictures but being near it was something completely different. She was glad that she didn't have to worry about the photographers anymore. She didn't want her brother to see some obscure article about her being at the Hall of Justice. Other papers had written about her, that was true, but they'd not written anything of real consequence. And none of them had a very good picture -- mainly artist renderings and blurred shots of her fighting or flying out of town.
    Post by: Garxena, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Garxena
    OOC: Holy crap; when I figured out who you wrote in orange and black my heart skipped a beat! D= Scary!! He gives me the creeps.

    BIC: Terra flinched at the gunshot. She sat up again quickly, looking back to Robin. What was going on? She wished she could hear through the glass. She bit her lip, if a bullet fired that close didn't shatter the glass, could a rock from her do it? She still couldn't take the risk with Robin there.

    Elena touched down next to Green Lantern, lowering her head to avoid the cameras. She didn't want to risk anyone recognizing her if someone got a good picture of her. Her less than heroic past wasn't something she wanted to see on the front page of the Washington Post or New York Times. She rolled her eyes at "Air Girl;" she'd heard that one before. "Call me whatever you'd like," Elena replied. "I don't really have a name."
    Post by: Garxena, Jan 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Garxena
    "Come on," Merlie urged the kids to follow her. She must not have looked like someone to trust, what with having Kirby on her back and blood on her arms and torso. One child came to her side and tugged her sleeve, wanting to hold her hand. She adjusted Kirby's weight so she could hold him with one arm and free the other to comfort the child. Koji being with her was comforting to her; she didn't want to do this alone.

    "We don't need to see her," Soul's visage appeared on the blade of the scythe. "Don't get confused."
    Post by: Garxena, Jan 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Garxena
    Terra clenched her jaw, hanging her head to hide her expression. As angry and scared as she was, she was still trying to think of a way to get to Robin. Her heart was pounding in her chest; she'd never been in a situation like this before. She only had one option at this point -- try to find some earth to use. The risk of being shocked was still present, but she didn't care much at this point.
    Terra moved so she lay on her stomach and touched her hands to the ground. She searched for any kind of rock she could use to throw at the glass. But then a thought occured to her: Could she throw the rock faster than this Red Hood could pull the trigger?


    Elena pushed the air behind her, trying to keep up with Green Lantern. This was the fastest she'd ever gone, and she was starting to get a little nervous. She shook her head, focusing her thoughts back on controling the air around her. Other tricks with air were getting easier for her but flying was still a difficulty. "Stay in control; don't fall," She murmured to herself, concentrating on following Green Lantern.
    Post by: Garxena, Jan 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Garxena
    OOC: Forgiveness not needed. I'm swamped with stuff too. Finals coming up and a trip to the Utah Theater Conference next weekend (20, 21, and 22) for college auditions and bunch of other stuff. Not to mention work and other pre-finals tests. We all just have to be patient with one another for a bit longer. =]

    BIC: Merlie caught Kirby's weight, thankful for Black☆Star's help. Angel had had her stricken with fear -- moreso than the clowns. While she naturally wanted to stay and help, she knew -- and had it hammered in by Angel -- that there was nothing she could do. So she nodded to Black☆Star and hurried over to the kids with Kirby on her back like a backpack.

    "Maka," Soul, encased by a blue-white light, transformed into a scythe and spun to Maka's hands. "Don't mess this up."
    Post by: Garxena, Jan 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Garxena
    Terra's eyes flicked to the source of light above her. "Robin!" She was relieved to see he was alive, but he looked in a situation as bad or worse than hers. Looking around the room frantically, she tried to find some way to get up to where Robin was. If only she could hear what he was saying! He could be trying to talk to her for all she knew.


    Elena cracked a smile; Green Lantern's humorous disposition was a breath of fresh air from what she'd encountered recently. She followed Green Lantern's trail, catching up quickly. She liked how Green Lantern hadn't prodded her for a name, or even brought up any possible news stories. Maybe he didn't recognize her; that wasn't such a bad thing. The last thing she wanted was to have to explain herself -- especially to a member of the Justice League.
    Post by: Garxena, Jan 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Garxena
    It sucks to have a life, doesn't it? ><
    Post by: Garxena, Jan 6, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Garxena
    OOC: I've got nothing to do, so I can read it for you! =D I'm bored out of my mind (just watching an FMA panel from '08).

    BIC: "Tch," Terra grit her teeth. What had just happened? Kid Devil had almost killed her, that's what. But why? She tried to think of some reason for it. Mind control with the collars, perhaps? She couldn't tell for sure. She stared at Kid Devil, sweat trailing down her face. "I'm never getting on your bad side."


    "I've never been," Elena answered. "I've just read about it in the paper and seen it on maps." She hoped that that little detail would be satisfactory for Green Lantern.
    Post by: Garxena, Jan 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Garxena
  11. Garxena
  12. Garxena
    HI! =D I've missed you!
    Profile Post by Garxena for keybladeofdarkness4, Jan 3, 2011
  13. Garxena
    Soul grit his teeth. It was getting too complex now. How were they supposed to handle all this at once. He ran different plans through his head, trying to decide which one would work best. "Maka, you and I should join Black☆Star and Tsubaki. Merlie should take Kirby and the kids out of here with Koji and Zoey." His stomach was starting to knot; these new creepy kids reminded him too much of his own inner demon. But he was solid in his resolve.

    Still angry, Merlie knew Tsubaki was right. She didn't stand a chance in a real fight against this group. Through clenched teeth she agreed with Soul's plan. "Koji, we can't do this. Let the others handle it; we'll get the kids out safely." She was grateful that he was willing to support her and Kirby and she made a note to thank him for it later.

    Colt watched Merlie; something about her was just sassy enough for him. If he ever went back to the streets, she'd make a good addition to his crew.
    Post by: Garxena, Dec 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Garxena
  15. Garxena
  16. Garxena
    Profile Post

    They're buddies! :D

    They're buddies! :D
    Profile Post by Garxena for Maka Albarn, Dec 28, 2010
  17. Garxena
    "Hey!" Soul shouted after Koji. Hadn't the kid learned anything about running off on your own yet?

    Colt spun and caught Koji's fist. "Oh? Who are you?" He twisted Koji's wrist. "You one of Kirby's new lackeys?"

    Merlie's heart skipped a beat when Kirby was hit. She saw that Black☆Star was holding Kirby and that Koji was with them. Colt's attention was on Koji. Angry at what Colt had done, she ran at him. Before Colt could react, Merlie socked him right in the stomach.

    Colt let go of Koji and stumbled back a couple of steps. "Damn... Good punch for a girl."

    "I don't care who you are or how you know my partner," Merlie began in a low voice, her eyes even with Colt's, standing next to Koji. "But I won't let you touch him again!"

    "Aw, that's cute," Colt said sarcastically.


    "Nothing for you to worry about," Spirit replied to Fae quickly, his eyes scanning the students for the bird that had gotten away from him.
    Post by: Garxena, Dec 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Garxena
    I'm bored! I've actually got nothing to do today (since I'm being lazy with break homework at the moment; got a lot done yesterday). Go ahead and post if ya wanna (but we shouldn't go too far).
    Post by: Garxena, Dec 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Garxena
    Soul clapped Maka on the back as he walked past her; looked like he had to have enough control for the both of them. Somewhere in him he knew the fear the kids must have been feeling -- another kid had taken his free hand once he'd let it drop by his side. He wanted very badly to find Medusa and... He hadn't thought that far ahead yet.

    Colt walked right up to Kirby; Tsubaki had confirmed his suspicion. Folding his arms behind his back, Colt leaned forward so his face was level with Kirby's. "Look at you. Pathetic. What happened to the Kirby I used to know? If you're still going by that name."

    Kirby's dull purple eyes stared back at Colt. In this state, he could barely recognize Colt. Then his eyes widened as his memories of his gang days flooded back to him. Kirby pulled his arm off Merlie's shoulders; holding up his hand in front of Colt, Kirby's fingers twisted into their gang sign. "It's still my name," His weak voice replied.

    Merlie, confused as to what was going on, put Kirby's arm over her shoulders again. She watched this new boy warily. Kirby had never said anything about him to her, but they seemed to know each other.

    Colt stood up straight now. He still hadn't paid an ounce of attention to Merlie or Black☆Star. Then, with the speed of a practiced gang member, he drew one hand from behind his back and punched Kirby square in the jaw, sending his head into Black☆Star's shoulder. "That's for leaving us."

    A little blood dripped from Kirby's mouth; he made no effort to move his head but his eyes traced Colt's shadowing form as it walked back to what looked like his new gang to Kirby. Sorry.... He wished he could have said it out loud. Kirby closed his eyes and finally let darkness take his consciousness.
    Post by: Garxena, Dec 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Garxena
    It's not dying. We just have lives. I've got a JOB and a BUNCH OF SCHOOL WORK. We'll post when we're able, but otherwise you'll just have to WAIT. Not to mention that it's still the holidays and some people are still on break from school. That means getting out of the house to do things and having family over. RPing is great, there's no disputing that, but it's not my whole life anymore. So be patient and give us some time.
    Post by: Garxena, Dec 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home