OOC:do i call you Eden or Riku? Alphonse glared at Riku/Eden and sat down as if to say "I'm not moving." But kept his hands in plain sight to reassure them.
OOC:i understand what u mean by wait till more people are on but i dont understand why the previous posts prevent this (btw already read all the previous posts did it last night and im wondering why theres a yaoi fan fic going between riku and sora XD) OOC:anyways if that never occurred..... Alphonse stayed next to Sora ignoring Gexln comment he felt safe near the keyblade wielder and he wasn't going to let anyone take that from him. OOC:I summon the most powerful weapon ever to be used by a keyblade wielder...........Roxas's wooden stick! XD
Alphonse's darkness began to take over him a sphere of darkness surrounded him and seemed to be sucking the life out of him.A small keyhole appeared in the sphere"SORA!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alphonse cried out.
Offended again Alphonse looked at Sora hopefully Sora shrugged looking to Wesley he became frustrated and stormed out of the theater. Spotting the gummi ship he admired the strange ship then he looked up and spotted a large Duskflier circling the gummi ship. He began to panic and the Duskflier noticed him. The Duskflier attacked leaving a deep gash in Alphonse's back. He screamed out lying on the ground. The Duskflier began to charge again when suddenly it stopped and focused on the theater as if it could sense the others inside. Ignoring Alphonse it began gathering energy for a large energy attack aimed right at the stage. Alphonse saw this and began to worry deeply for the others this deep emotion turned into darkness. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Alphonse cried out the darkness seemed to controll him he attacked the Dustflier asnd seemed to be fighting with pure darkness. The Dustflier then unleashed the full blast on Alphonse. Alphonse fell unconcious as his darkness became out of control.The Dustflier seemed greatly affected by Alphonse's attack but still had a good fight left in it. OOC:uggh long post with probably too much stuff happening oh well
Alphonse stood quietly in the back of the stage. His focus remained solely on this "Keyblade" and the strange feeling he had when he was near it. The feeling of pure light it frightens me but greatly interests me momentarily forgetting the boundary he was told to maintain he walked towards sora and stood next to him observing where the keyblade had been before it seemed to fade into light
OOC:yeah my bad darkness is a better word Alphonse silently makes his way to the exit when noone is looking. Outside he spies a heartless and begins to attack the heartless with the police baton and after its defeated he absorbs the darkness. the color returned to his face and he felt much better. Alphonse snuck back into the theater and stood at the distance he had been told to stand at.
Alphonse saw the evil and darkness in Xert and though he was weak he stood up shaking he reached for the gun he grabbed earlier. He was thinking hard about how he could feed on this man's darkness without exposing what he is. Seeing as he might be a friend of the others Alphonse relaxed a little.
OOC:dang by the time i finish typing it allways seems im late to whats going on
Alphonse looked up and saw Sora smiling down at him"Thank you." Alphonse said. He ate the sandwhich smiling and he felt a little better though he was still very pale he was smiling. He didn't want to let the others know about how he feeds on darkness though he had mentioned it briefly earlier. He was sure that the others would think he was a monster and they seemed so nice....maybe he could travel with them.
"I'll do my best." Alphonse said suddenly remembering his hunger.He sat down feeling weak. His weakness was apparent to anyone who looked. Alphonse laid back clutching his head.
Alphonse's face brightened all traces of darkness disappeared and a small smile came across his face"So when can I start?"
"Hmmmm and thats the only way to get rid of the heartless?" Alphonse began to look worried. He began to worry that he couldn't help at all with the heartless problem.
"Understandable"Alphonse said calmly and sat down "It chooses you huh?" Alphonse was deep in thought about this "Keyblade".
Slightly offended Alphonse took a step back he didnt want to start a fight."And how would I get one of these 'Keyblades'?"
Alphonse turned around and reached behind his back grabbing a gun and a police baton. He hid them in the back of his coat where noone could see. He didn't plan to use it now but he had no weapons and he knew he would need them later. He walked up slowly and stood next to Riku."Where did these 'Heartless' come from and how do we get rid of them?" Alphonse was remembering the girl who saved him and the promise he made to destroy the monsters.
OC:dang i totally just crashed and just woke up lol anyways Alphonse's eyes began to nervously glance between Riku and Gexln. He was trying to fend off his hunger for there was much darkness here. Seeing that tension was beginning to rise he began to scan the room for anything that could be used as a weapon since his knife was lost during the fight."A prop sword,not really what im looking for" he mutters to himself. He spies an open door marked security"That's it". He begins to walk slowly over.
"Do you know anything abou the dark shadow monsters!?" Alphonse says to Riku/Eden more intense and focused than before.The aura slowly starts to fade away.
"Where are we going? What about the person with the weird key shaped weapon? They seem reasonable." Alphonse said while looking somewhat distracted.Alphonse suddenly realizing his goal"Do you know anything about the dark shadow monsters?"
Alphonse gets up and starts walking"Can I please talk to someone with better people skills?"
OC:kk ummm how about just pretend that didnt happen and start here Alphonse's eyes lit up and a dark aura lit up around him rage flew across his face for a brief second before he became very serious and said "I'm done fighting you!"