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  1. Blayz Mods
    Okay, so I created a menu bar in adobe dreamweaver cs4, but I don't know how to add content to it like media such as music and videos, I named my menu bars media archive and audio archive one for kh videos and one for kh music, but I don't know how to add it so that it show's up on my site, also in extension...I want the media and audio archives to bring up their own different pages when you click on them like the cutscene and audio archives do on this forum when you click on them, so can anyone tell me how I do this?

    thanks for any help!^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Dec 20, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  2. Blayz Mods
    Hey guy's, well the title pretty much says it, so does anyone know of any software like that? Because most of my kh2 dumps are in RAW formated files, so any help would be greatly appreciative. thank you!^_^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Nov 28, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  3. Blayz Mods
    Hey everybody, here with my first kh amv hope you enjoy it.^^

    P.S. The video for some reason cuts itself off before the end of the video I don't know why so don't ask.

    Anyway without further ado here's my vid.^_^


    Criticism is allowed!^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Nov 20, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  4. Blayz Mods
    hey guy's I need a link to a template website where I can download a free kingdom hearts website template that I can use in adobe dreamweaver, so if anybody knows of such a website could they please post the link on here. thank you for any help!^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Nov 18, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  5. Blayz Mods
    Hey guy's, I need a video converting software that will convert my video.avi file to a wmv file, I have any video converter but I dunno if it will actually convert my avi file to a wmv file so if it
    will...someone tell me, if not then I need something that will. Thank you for any help!^ ^ Oh and BTW I searched before creating this thread and didn't find a thread similiar to this so...yeah any help would be appreciated.
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Nov 17, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  6. Blayz Mods
    hey guy's, I need help pointing my site to 000webhost's server but I don't know what domain option to use, here's a snapshot of the options.^ ^


    any help on this!^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Nov 15, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  7. Blayz Mods

    need help!!!

    Hey guy's, need help again, I need a software that converts veg files into avi files, and googe isn't giving me ****, but mabye somebody else would have better luck. Any help would be appreciated. thanks!^^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Nov 14, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: Technology
  8. Blayz Mods
    hey guy's, I'm looking for a website that I can go on to point my site to my server thats free with no hidden fees so that I can get my new forum up and running.^^ BTW I was wondering if someone can give me a link to 000webhosts support page because I can't seem to access it on their site because 000webhost is the hosting site I use, so any help with that too would be most appreciated.^^ Thanks!^^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Nov 12, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Technology
  9. Blayz Mods
    Hey guy's I'm in desperate need of help with trying to get the audio to work on my mother ******* sony vegas 9 :mad: I'm at my wits end with the stupid program I can't figure out how to get the *** **** audio to play while the vid that I'm trying to make plays, please somebody help me I can't take the stress of trying to figure this out anymore, I need help with this, so if someone can help me it would relieve me of all the stress I got trying to figure this out. Thank you!^^

    And FYI guy's the reason I got so frustrated with this stupid thing is because of my disability.^^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Nov 11, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  10. Blayz Mods
    Okay so here's my problem I just recently installed divx plus so that I could watch a movie I've downloaded via torrent, but not pirated, but when I went to play the movie I had no sound what so ever, but the weird thing is is that I have the sound up almost all the way on my laptop and the sound is turned all the way up on my divx plus, so I don't get why I have no freakin sound,:mad: any help with this? it would be greatly appreciated.^^

    edit: Okay guy's need help with something other then the sound, I need a more updated ver. of divx the one I downloaded was 4 plus but I need a updated ver. for windows, I have windows vista home premium, any help with THIS would be appreciated. thanks!^^

    edit 2: Nevermind guy's I found a different media player called winamp that plays movies and streams music without the the need of a codec program so some one can lock this.^^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Nov 9, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  11. Blayz Mods
    well the the title pretty much says it:P so does anyone know of anything like that? anyone??
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Nov 1, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  12. Blayz Mods
    well the title pretty much says it does anyone know any sites that I can download a freeware memory upgrade for my toshiba laptop?

    p.s. if you need the model and serial #'s then let me know and I'll post them.

    thanks for any help!^_^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Oct 31, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  13. Blayz Mods
    Hey guy's, I don't know if this is allowed or not but I'll ask anyway and someone can tell me it's not allowed. Okay, does anyone know of any freeware forum creating software because I don't want to pay huge money for a payed software like vb or IPB. so if anyone know's of any software like that I'd appreciate it alot if that person could tell me or even provide a link.^^

    thanks for any help!^^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Oct 26, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  14. Blayz Mods
    Well I need someone to explain to me how to use fraps. the one thing I wanna know is the most if there's way to just select a portion of the video, like only record a part of the vid instead of the whole page.
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Oct 25, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  15. Blayz Mods
    Hey guy's, sadly I'm need of help again, I don't know how to create the tab's I need for my forum. here is a snapshop of what I need help with.


    The tabs I need help figuring out how to create say for example forum, profile, etc so if anyone can help me figure this out I would appreciate it alot if that person could help me.

    Thanks in advance!^^

    Not trying to sound inpatient or anthing but can't anyone help me? Anyone?
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Oct 24, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  16. Blayz Mods
    Hey guys I'm having a problem with my ps2 not reading my kh2 NTSC disc, see the thing I don't understand is that my DISC ISN'T SCHRACHED VERY MUCH it does have SOME scraches but not enough for my ps2 to not be able to read it, and btw I DO HAVE a NTSC ps2 system so I shouldn't be having this problem either way, so if anyone knows how I can fix this I would appreciate it alot if someone could tell me.^^

    thanks for any help with this!^^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Oct 23, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Technology
  17. Blayz Mods
    Since my last thread was wiped out by the hack I decided to make this one. OK so heres my problem, I have free MC Boot, I have a usb, and my nabor has a fat ps2 that he said I could use my free MC BOOT on, but here's twist I uploaded it onto my memcard on my nabors ps2 and yes my memcad IS a magicgate memcard but when I went to the config menu after uploading all the the files all that was there was the browse & system configuration features and no matter how many times I keep trying to re-upload the files nothing shows up on the ps2 configs menu...any help with this problem would greatly be appreciated.^^

    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Oct 20, 2010, 18 replies, in forum: Technology
  18. Blayz Mods
    hey guy's! I was wondering if someone could send me a link to a site to download the anime TV show called suzuke? I'm looking for a site that won't charge me extra fees all the time and when I downloaded it from the site too. so if anybody has what I'm looking for, that it would be great if just post it here. btw I don't know if this is piracy discussion or not, if it is piracy I'm discussing then someone tell me. oh and btw...again...if sombody has a link to a vid website were I could download by just clicking a dowload button and download clips of suzuka that would be great too.

    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Oct 13, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  19. Blayz Mods
    Hey guys, well I need help turning off my preferences file config inorder for me to save my imgs from adobe photoshop cs5 because it won't let me save anything unless I turn off my preferences, so if anybody can tell me how to do so I'd appreciate it alot. And I'm using windows vista.

    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Oct 9, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: Technology
  20. Blayz Mods
    Hey graphic shop clan I as wondering if you guy's could help me create a new sig img cus the one's I made myself I think...are crappy so I was wondering if someone here could create a new sig img for me I will provide you with an img to work with.

    here are the thing's I want done to it.

    size: 100x100^^
    text: roxas1989 curive letters please^^
    color: Black and white^^

    Here's the img link.^^ and yamato/JuniorMintKiss/Anime/suzuka.jpg?o=14
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Oct 8, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Art Shop