o.o? Time of night? Huh? A snow cone is ice in a paper cone with syrup. :3 There's lots of flavors like bubble gum and coke. XD
*looks at you both with horror* Are you mad?! *still holding box of Russian tea cookies with almond on them* Snow should be used for snow cones. v.v
Oh. Right. I don't read though, so I'll have some trouble. No matter. :3" It's for any regular ol' DS, right? My brother kept saying 3DS...
*thinks* Kinda like... ... They have almonds on them. XDD *holds out a box of 'em*
...Anyone want Russian tea cookies? XD And hello. Rawr. :3
Sims; ah, I shall download it. Never bothered trying again because the first time I played it, I was young and stupid so...I had to live in the park and get arrested on a regular basis. For sleeping on the bench. XD We already have TWEWY, but I don't want to overwrite my brother's fail cause he worked hard on it. :3" I guess I'll download it again, then. Ah Pokemon...XD" We're planning to get Black and White, and our Soul Silver is glitchy. If you want to, sure. I got a lot of suggestions from many people. XD Sure; thank you. :3 I shall try Onimusha. XD I have pent up anger. God of War could help me. e__e I crash in EVERY RACING GAME KNOWN TO MAN. And the game where you HAVE to crash the car, I did it by accident. I'm afraid I have to cross Kinetica out. :D" I've been hearing a lot of Jak & Daxter. I'll try it then; thank you. :3 Primal, I shall look for it (PS2 games are strangely hard to look for here~). I never had enough time for AC:WW. TTATT Thanks, again! And yes, it helped me very much. :3 Thanks for the suggestion. I've actually been somewhat thinking of getting it. :3 My brother's been pushing me to play Persona. I can see I'm probably gonna be preoccupied with all the Persona and Shin Megami games for the break (and the rest of the year...). Thank you. :3 I've heard a lot of Assassin's Creed, so that just might be one of the few games I'd try first. XD You have been denied. You can't crush me. B| Just kidding. I couldn't resist. XD I actually didn't expect Prince of Persia to be here, but I trust your opinion. I'll try to get at least one of them, and I have a Megaman somewhere in this house... Mecha? ...MECHA? HOLY CRAP. D8< I need that. Played DFF, FFIX, about to play VII, was supposed to play CC but it just wouldn't work. ;_; I've got Megaman in my DS already~ Resistance shall be the first FPS I shall play, then. Yes, I never played FPS. :D I see PoP again. I'll try to get my hands on that. Thank you; I shall try the second one only--SO is finished. XD" Sure, I'll try Level 5. I played Grand Theft Auto, I've never seen Okami here, but I'll look, and I'll keep an eye out for DMC. XD Maybe I'll stick to PS2 DMC. As for Harry Potter...well, I'm obviously gonna try it. XD Thanks once again, people! I have enough games to last me the whole year! 8'D I think I'll keep this open, so I don't have to keep asking. :D
Album as well. :3
Well, okay. :3 I'll look for one of my later drawings then--it might be mixed with my Chinese. XD
Hi there, I'd like to join, yes! :3 I hope you don't mind. I'd like to try forum-RP. *laughs* Name: Kira Age: unknown; assumed to be 17-20 years of age. Appearance: Always possessing an emotionless expression, she has porcelain skin as she stays indoors most of the days despite the usual sun. Not very visible, she has a bit of a more muscular build than most girls. Has straight, vivid brown hair that come in pleasant waves and strange crimson red eyes none of her relatives displayed. She wears a turtle neck, though it looks worn out slightly, under her layers of smooth cloth she does not know the name of. She only knows the cloth covering her arms loosely are of silk. She wears shorts and a flowing dress like cloth that covers only her bottom-back. She has a choker, no spikes. (Imagine her anyway you like. :3) History: On one of her hunts in the forest as a young, 8 year old girl, she strayed from her father a bit too much and got lost. She is then attacked by "black monsters with beady eyes", then saved by a mysterious man she cannot describe the man as her memory fails her, but she distinctly remembers the shape of a Keyblade. By accident, Kira takes hold of the hilt and the power is given to her. The man then disappears shortly after the monsters disappear for good. 5 years later, she summons her Keyblade. In excitement, she shows her parents, friends, and basically everyone she got to at the time. Accused of some form of witchcraft, as they are all unaware of the other worlds and Keyblades, etc, she is then caught and sent to be burnt at the stake. She vividly remembers her parents' cold eyes, bearing no regret. In a fit of blinding, loathing rage, she manages to escape with a literal bang and leaves many dead, wounded and unconscious. Mysteriously as well, she completely loses the power of the Keyblade. Suddenly obsessed with the power she got, she goes crazy. Through the years, she lost count and track of time, she made her own Keyblades out of scrap metal she found in an abandoned mine and blacksmith place. She has also begun to see the good in people in general, but sees no good in people like her parents. Good/Evil: Despite everything, she keeps her morals and claims to be GOOD. Powers: She dual wields, fighting and learning by instincts, and has left over magic from her powers. Still unknown why Keyblade was suddenly lost, or why she still had left over powers. Is subject to developing magic skills but has lost all hope in becoming a full-fledged Keyblade wielder. Is still oblivious to the whole thing about Keyblades, Heartless, etc. Weapons: Two fake Keyblades with no names. One is purely blue with red jewels here and there and the other is black with chains wrapped around the body. Other: She is distant. Very, very distant as she doesn't know how to trust people. She also has no particular interest in love whatsoever, but perhaps if you're lucky, human nature will kick in. Not very merciful. Her "home" place is unknown to her, but is known as a far, unknown forest in Neverland. I hope I didn't go too overboard with telling her past? Red Star Nova
I'm not much of a planner, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need something to do for our coming Christmas break. As learning to play the piano is just gonna slip by me, I decided to postpone it to summer (besides, I'm still getting used to reading notes and scales), learning the violin is even harder; practicing my basic Japanese isn't what I feel like doing so I might just end up not doing it at all. In short, I have things to do in my life but I don't feel like doing some of them and the others just can't be done during our Christmas break. Why I didn't actually vaguely plan what to do during Christmas break is because my dad suddenly gave us no permission to go out of the country this year, for Christmas. We were planning to go some place cold (I live in a tropical country). Well, I figured that I'm most likely going to practice drawing (learning Ventus right now, haha), coloring, continue with my story, read Harry Potter, but alas, I'm sometimes in the mood for gaming. But what the hell, I don't have that much games. And when I look through games, the summaries and everything, they sometimes seem nice but actually suck, they sometimes seem bad but are actually okay, and some just have a bad way of advertising. All in all, I don't have a good eye for games--I need recommendations, usually. From my brother most of the time. Now, this is where YOU, the humble forum-ite, might want to come in. I'm looking for ANY game. ANY, ANY game. Absolutely anything. ... Well, any game that is for a console that we have. -DS (so it can handle GBA. Of course, this is already a known fact, yes?) -PSP (it has been hacked [I'm so sorry, Sony!], so I can play PS1 games.) -PS2 -PC (with a good video card. I've seen my brother play Starcraft, was it? Good graphics. And Portal; it's very smooth on medium. Though at high, it goes a bit laggy.) -PS3 I'm not going to list down the games I have as there are quite a few that I can't remember and they're embarrassing. Someone's suggested Zelda already (in another thread, but on-topic-ish), and I'm keeping an eye out. For those Zelda fans, no need to list them down (unless you REALLY feel the need to). Oh yes, I nearly forgot. I trust you, the humble forum-ite, already know this, but as a reminder, please state why you suggest said game/s. Thank you. Once again, KH-Vids has saved my life (from boredom). ♥
Chinese calligraphy. :3 It's pretty much just writing a Chinese character with a brush in a certain way. It kind of makes your wrist ache, haha....
Hell yes. XD Well, you're very welcome. And of course; take your time. :3 Don't let people pressure you. :D
*thinks* What am I up to? Not much. Just the usual homework, I guess. Damn calligraphy. T_T How about you? :3
Maybe Axel got scarred from Saix suddenly changing. I mean, have you noticed his weird obsession with friendship? If someone was your friend, you don't just lash out at them and bring them back then act like everything's normal. You at least talk with them, try to convince them, then if they don't, THEN you bring out the chakrams. His mindset probably went like "If Roxas knows everything, he might just leave the Organization." and he would be forced to try and keep Roxas in the Organization. Knowing Roxas, he would push for more answers if Axel just gave him a vague idea, too. To Axel, he probably didn't want to risk ANYTHING. Of course, I could be horribly wrong, but this seems a bit likely. A bit.
Ah! Someone new. Hello there, Jess. :3 Very fun this forum is! Like it you will! Read the rules, have you? Good, that is. XD If you need, I'll be happy to talk to you. :3 Will reply as fast as I can, yes!
You're very much welcome. :3 Well, I guess you should put it this way: When I post stories (fanfiction, this time. :D), I often think, "Nah, people wouldn't want to read this piece of garbage...", but in the end, I'm proven horribly wrong. I end up getting reviews and such. Same here. Often times, stories don't just drown. They get noticed by at least a couple of good people. There are many times when a story doesn't get reviewed, but don't be disheartened by it. If you keep going, it's eventually going to get readers of all kinds. :3 You're a good writer, okay? People aren't just going to ignore you or your work. <:3
*shrugs* I guess I'm just fine both ways. XD I mean, people thinking I'm a guy is fine. People knowing I'm a girl is fine. XD I don't really mind....
You have a fictionpress account? Because if you don't, you should. This story should be posted there. :3 Aside from that, it was good. The plot is good, and the use of "Ed, Edd and Eddy" is interesting (CHILDHOOD DAYS...=w=). I'd like to see more! Oh, and I thought you should know that the purple font color added to the creepy somehow. :3
Apsh, they're not bad... :3" I dunno, I just am prettyyyy weird. I can't summon up the courage. XD"