really!? kinda like a barbie??? or something more advanced?
OH you are pretty Midnight Star! i like your necklace!
nah, just your typical sunday afternoon, hiding in my room, avoiding my dad and his Bears game.... playing on the computer, and listening to...
nope. what are they? or who are they?
jk! i do look sorda like that... i have brown short hair... XD look at my albums, there is a cosplay pic of me as Axel.
im doing good. How about your self?
no, what does it stand for?
This is wat i look like! Spoiler
Hey! im good! hbu?
Something to do with a WWW. link um.... your... smart? blonde hair?
hey there! nice to me you! :)
@Ienzo- is that you? XD i know braces suck! i had them too! you look like a cousin of mine! XD awesome!
nah... all americans are playing C.O.D so barely any of us are on these things!! T.T sad really.... DO me do me! i wanna know what you guys think!
Ikr! everyone i seem to talk to, and i dont hate it, is from England! nice, quite... brown hair...... yah........ i would need to see you in person in order to give my full anaylsis!
i hope not.... it would ruin it! V_____V
i have a sheep?? o.O didnt know that.... where are you little sheep?? *look around the room*
I get that same thing! (about my hair)
WOW! souther than south! o_________O cool! i love your sheep! XD
CooL! where in like Ten. or Kentucky?? or more south?
Cool! XD dats awesome! one down! now 343,343,000,2343,97430682346..... more to go!