would this sort of thinking be left or right?
Dobby is happy to be with his friends D:
this thread makes me want to play Chain of Memories. Definitely my favorite game in the series. Soooo i think i will. IF ONLY THE BATTLE SYSTEM WEREN'T TERRIBLE Kingdom Hearts... IS LIGHT
I appear to be Lost in the World
get me a sexbox
who for? and what do they like? be specific, reptart
Night Lightning or Killer Cloud?
What? cried when Dobby died?
But then Haruhi died,
Have you also found your interest in MCR once again kindled because of the new album? I've been kinda obsessed with them as of late :3
best bf ever
Well khv, this thread has make me face a choice: See the movie tonight at midnight with one of my best girl-friends who is buying me a ukelele for christmas, or buy her a turtle for christmas? It's up to her, but i was originally gonna do the turtle. but idek now.
I'm not an excellent singer but also I kind of had a cold that week and my voice is not cooperating as of late. I don't want it to seem like I keep making excuses or anything, but I can sing much better than the demo. I'm glad you guys brought the subject up, though, because I will definitely work on that in the final version. Thanks everywunn (:
the layering of vocals was an accident, and won't happen in the final version.
it's only a rough version so go for it? in the final version then i can make changes and stuff, so i'd like the critique.
hay khv i have a little music project called "Nitelites" and the rough version of my first recorded song is finally out. Here it is: [video=youtube;5fonhUoLJ08]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fonhUoLJ08[/video]
So I bought the game a couple of days ago. I love it. It's unlike anything I've played, like, ever. My steam is NiteLites, if you want to play with me. I usually play as Demoman or Spy or Sniper, they're the best imo.
We should get a Minecraft server and use that for adventures.
I have it It's gr8 When it comes out on Tuesday, buy it or die Or dl the leaked one like i did
although i can no longer play wow (thanks cataclysm B|) today my grandparents gave me $35, which means i get TF2! WOOOO add me, my Steam is Nitelites