Awww I thought you guys wouldn't remember or even bother <333 thank you loves.
awww thank you darling! :')
It has been quite the battle hasn't it, Wolfie?
Why in god's name are you fekkin red!? It looks sexy.
Spoiler I got a haircut do you guys like it? Be honest.
Cake. nomnom. I can has cake? c: hi sammy and kitty.
IT'S SO PRETTY AND GREEENIE. Getting a new avatar/ signature here is like getting a hair cut. Or something.
Sab: I miss you too darling! But horray for facebook chat. : ) Shadox: oh that's nice what's the drawing of?
Anything new going on here?
herrrppp derrpppaaa derpp
herrppp derrpp
DAMMIT MEL now my brain is now full of fuck.
nra - oh daaaammn D: I'm sorry to hear that..must've been hella awkward. karia- lol oh my god that would've seen reaaal psycho haha but it made me laugh lol. xD
Movie - 5 Centimeters Per Second. The end just blew me away..and by that I mean I got depressed for the whole night. I didn't expect the message to be about how people can drift apart while the years pass by. It's was pretty depressing. Song - [video=youtube;y5aTwvWEQD8][/video] Yeaaaah. =/
Haley. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DON'T LEAVE KHV WE NEED YOUR WEIRDNESS HEEEERE. lol just kidding you're decision but yes you will be very missed and I include myself in that. Thank you for saying those sweet words about me <3 to be honest I didn't like you at first, back when your name was Famous and LOL I don't know whyyy D: that happens when you pre-judge without doing the effort to getting to know them first. And so I did and I was SO wrong. You're such a qtpie and so nice aaaand also dorkyfuuunneh (is that even a word? lol idk) c: I hope we get to talk more faaaeeecccbewwwkk and msn and such. Good luck with life and if you ever need some advice or whatever you can count on me to help you out c:.
Misty: lol yaaah the party was kinda dull and I felt a bit awkward so I took out my phone for a sec. Reptart: Probably D: but stiiiiiillll Sabbeh: VERY desperate. Thank GOD I didn't see her lol I was gonna give her a "what the efff **** back off" look.
So, I'm like at this club with my friends and boyfriend right? We we're just you know, sitting together in this really comfortable couch having fun and stuff. I was busy putting some ringtones on my new cellphone and stuff so I wasn't really much paying attention. All of the sudden, my boyfriend grabs my hand suddenly, holds it for a while and he gets me closer to him and I'm like "whoaaa what" (not in a bad way thoughh just it was all of the sudden) and he tells me there was a girl standing beside the ladies room looking at him and then she looked at the ladies room direction...indicating him to go with her inside the bathroom to do..stuff (if you know what I mean). .__. I mean. What the EFF. Girls don't respect these days.