Yeah me too but at least i get to see my awesome friends ^ ^
Lol like what?
Lol ok ^ ^
That kul ^ ^
Thats kul I guess. I have school tomorrow
I do really want to kick her ass but I dont promote school violence and I never called anyone a bad name before either
Haha whats the awesome movie?
Good just listening to music ^ ^ u?
Hey hows it going ^ ^
Yeah thats true
Oh wow I know how u feel since the girl who called me and my friends lesbos is in my 6th period class and Im never in the mood to be around her
Wow that must be annoying. Also those were my two best guy friends zach and ryan and my little brother jj ^ ^
Yeah I'm not so much a patient person sometimes
Now I am ^ ^
Yeah the time difference sux
Lol ^ ^
Hey I'm good how bout u ^ ^
Ok here it is
Hey nas u want to see a vid with me, my bro and a few of my friends ^ ^
Oh that sux but yay today is saturday or sunday where u are ^ ^