Knowing Konami's stupidity, a Generic DARK Hero is eventually going to be here. Then, I expect to see Super Poly on the banlist because Heroes...
Actually, Goodwin failed miserably and lost his arm. Crow succeeded. OH GOD NOOOO. WE ALREADY HAVE CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES THAT BEND TIME...
Crow is going to be the one to blame when CARD GAMES ON AIRPLANES is created.
... Bruno is to blame for everything.
If he doesn't, I wanna challenge you. I've always wanted to face you again since that free-for-all duel we all had, when I was Kiryu.
One of the rules I love. Now if only 80% weren't so disgustingly abhorrent, I'd be able to enjoy this rule more. ... GENIUS IDEA THERE, JADEN. I'LL DO JUST THAT *gets shot*
...Why are you to answer to every question about Jaden's madness?
"I'm teachin' him how to be a man." "Is that why we keep stealing his lunch money?" "No. That's just for s**ts and giggles." I think Jaden is losing his mind.
Is there a reason why the Arena is so... slow, lately?
I'm trying to find a weaker opponent though. You're too good for me. D:
@Joey's Drawing: *chain Mystical Space Typhoon*
Haha, it's alright. xD Your welcome. Don't ever think that you're alone, okay? Friend friend? o_O You don't have to thank me, mate. I just don't like seeing others depressed or keeping things bottled up. ...Although, that makes me a hypocrite, because I always keep things bottled up. ><
Well, me trying to be a better friend backfired. Ignore me. Oh, don't say that. If you have some problems, feel free to talk about 'em. I'm free, if you want.
Marik barely counts. That's only because I blew up Ra once and chea- er, won using Skill Drain. ...Okay, he counts. I came close to beating...
Jaden, I know how you feel. Hell, I don't even have any friends irl. >_> Just stay strong and hang in there, alright? On a happier note, I finally got some High Quality Clear Mind pics. <3
That doesn't really prove that I'm better than most. It just proves that I got lucky.
...Who? In case you haven't noticed, I'm like, the weakest duelist here. ;_;
I'm saying that if you hadn't negated it. Actually, I want to duel you when I'm a better duelist. Right now, I'm just a punching bag. Yukari~ <3
If you hadn't destroyed Ring Of Destruction, I could've chained it to your Draw Phase, destroyed Loki and used this to win the duel: Anyway, I spent a bit of the night coming up with the best first turn combo I can think of. If this combo backfires, then I'm gonna quit for awhile. LP: 12000 Customs: None. Anime Exclusives: I'm using Anime Polar Gods, their support, and Tech Genus monsters. You can use whatever. Video Game Exclusives: None. God Cards: Go ahead and use all three if you want. First Player: Me Number of Cards per Deck: 40 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None