Hello, fellow video editors/film-makers of KH-Vids, I have returned after my somewhat slight "inactivity". Anyways, to the point. I am back into video-editing, but not amvs, but more-so filmmaking. I have moved on from editing Kingdom Hearts and am developing a new base for my editing/films...and what I plan to move onto are short-films(once I get my HD Camera). So, with that being said, I have a minor obsession with color correction and have created a new channel called CozmicFilmz, which I will be uploading my new videos on. My current video can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vh_9nJd5Yc View in 720p and constructive criticism please! What I aim for is original concepts, and a somewhat laid back, vintage-style, and somewhat dark films. Any advice on how I can approve would be greatly appreciated.
I must say your videos/amvs are quite jizz-inflicting.
I have read the first two books of LoTR, and I have to say that The Hobbit is a lot better. As Fayt said, it is more upbeat, and I completely agree. I found LoTR good, and Tolkien's writing style is perhaps the most original I've read, and he practically created a history where LoTR is concerned. But LoTR didn't have as much of a conceptualization as compared to The Hobbit. The Hobbit is the prequel, the original story, the whole idea behind why The Fellowship was started, not to mention Bilbo Baggins is epic.
vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vh_9nJd5Yc Yes it is terrible.
I remember my friend telling me about Ratatat...I was like "you gunshooting noob." When I was on YouTube, I searched them up one day...and......oh boy..I think I feel something in my lower body again. EDIT: Right now, I'm editing a sweetskateboards vid to the song Loud Pipes. =D
So, I was just prancing along doing my hobbit dance and I come across a large pile of onions. The first thing that comes to my eyes are tears. The first thing that comes to my mind is...where did they come from? The first thing that comes in my mouth is... Anyways, Riku came along, and stole my sword. I took out my bow and arrow, aimed, and badly injured him. He screamed so loud that no sound came out of his mouth. He shouted "____________!" and started foaming at the mouth. All you have to do, Kh-vids is simply fill in the blanks of what Riku shouted. The End.
Have you ever noticed that in Daft Punk's animated videos, the band members look like Avatars?(James Cameron)
Think about it, Pour chocolate powder/flavouring/syrup/whatever into it and boom, chocolate milk!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRnZtn1a9bM When Chuck Norris chews gum, this song starts playing.
Jojoj, we must collab, although I've gone from Vegas Movie Studio to Magix Movie Edit Pro 16... And, my opinion is to stick with shorts. That way you are more original, and people will be on the edge of their seats waiting for more. Do longer ones if you wish, however.
Greetings, good sir.
It says: Spoiler Dear friends, I have come to warn you all of a large bomb full of frosted flakes mixed with robots and lettuce that is about to be launched from space and dropped on KH-Vids.Net. The person who is in charge of this soon-to-be mass murder is named Gasoline Reddick. This, my good friends, will happen within 5 Days and 24 Hours, which makes it 6 Days. 6 Days, gives you time to brace yourself. With this being said, you ask "How do I know about this?" Let's just say I was stalking the Pirates Of The Black Pearl, and a Star Wars actor happened to be on the ship. *COUGH* darth sideus *COUGH* And this note happened to be true. What would YOU do KH-Vids....what would you do?...
Memories basically define each human being. Not just memories of events, but memories of things which allows them to get ahead in life. For example: When someone is good at math, they don't learn everything on the spot, they REMEMBER techniques they learned in the PAST and apply it to what they are currently doing. The same applies to english, science and so on. Memories of life experiences, allow people to look at what to improve upon, what to forget, and what to look back on. Without these memories, humans would be dull, and learning would be 10x as difficult.
This could be the best summary of conspiracy theories I've read so far. I completely agree, these things seem a little blown out of proportion, illuminati exist, but are not into world domination, they just have a high amount of control.(Right?) But that is the only logical theory that makes sense. There are people that believe in "reptilian" societies, which....sounds...you know what I mean.
1.YOUR SPY NAME: Christopher Infamous 2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: Alton Rockets 3. YOUR RAP NAME T-Nard 4. YOUR GAMER TAG: Green Hyena 5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: Jordan Scarborough 6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: Tro I dont have a bet 7. JEDI NAME: Nadroj Atilol 8. PORN STAR NAME: Sharky Delaney 9. SUPERHERO NAME: The Green Sienna 10. YOUR ACTION HERO NAME: Jack Honey Nut Cheerios
Conspiracy Theories? -- Real Or Not? Yes, these include the NWO/Illuminati/Any Other Conspiracies. I personally find them fairly interesting and scary at the same time, at points I may believe they are true, but I know these are just "theories". The thing that I would believe is the most true, would have to be the illuminati conspiracy. There is more than enough symbolism in movies, music, and much other forms of media that prove that they exist. I don't think that they are out to dominate the world, or take over, but they are subtly putting their symbolism and occult in movies and videos. About the New World Order Conspiracy, I don't think that a group of people can wipe out 90% of our population. Think about it, they would only manage to destroy 12% of a population while, 30% of babies are being born. So, I'm down to say that the illuminati is fairly existant. Skeptics/Logicians/Whatever, please give me some feedback so I can think otherwise, and my mind can come off of the subject.
That logic can be conquered by cheekbones.
I don't listen to Mozart on YouTube. I stated why his videos have 10 million and Justin Bieber has.. *Cough* "over 300 million views".