Zebra ~ Beach House
oh baby
Memories ~ Boat Club
James Potter was such a dreamboat ◕◡◕
I'm just kind of surprised that the Prop 19 (legalization of Marijuana) lost in California. Oh well, it's not like people are gonna stop smoking it anyway. :v
http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Reality_Bending Sweet.
All the Pretty Girls ~ fun.
My name is Lrrr and I'm here to conquer the inside of your pants earth
lol @ people who have school on fridays
I was too distracted by that guy's ballin' haircut to notice the VCR collection.
Something I Can Never Have ~ Nine Inch Nails
The Motion Makes Me Last ~ Eluvium
hi deathspank. bye deathskank
sorry babe, can't take you out tonight cause i got a hot date with a calculator ( ~- o-)~
Light My Fire ~ The Doors
Hyperballad ~ Björk
black and white just looks so good Cnc this mofo plznthxu edit: added two more versions
Saw this last Friday and I have to say it was better than what I expected it to be. It's not really a sequel per say, but more like a prequel since it talks about what happened to Katie's sister before the whole incident with Katie Spoiler and how the demon was transferred over to Katie in the first place. Like the first one, it was pretty boring in the beginning with just the family talking and and a few weird noises here and there. But **** got pretty serious mid way through the film. I'll admit, I jumped a few times Spoiler especially the part where all the cabinets opened all at once in the kitchen and when the chick was dragged down the stairs...twice It's good for a "sequel" as far as scary movie sequels go. But I thought the film was more creepy than actually scary if that makes any sense. Basically, this is stuff that you wouldn't want to happen to you. :P ~Spoilers for ending~ Spoiler Didn't really expect the dad to die in the end, though he was pretty ignorant in the beginning (just like Micah was in the first movie derp). I also liked how the audience was still kept in question to what happened to Katie and the baby after the film ended.