My thoughts exactly ! You seem especially obsessed with sex censorship. ^^ We do have a rating system similar to ESRB in France but it' s purely informative, no retailer will ever ask any kid to show him some kind of ID. I' ve seen some 8 years old kids playing GTA. Pirahna 3D was rated 12+ here ! O_o (it even shocks ME) I think all this violence isn' t really a problem as long as parents pay attention to their kids and talk to them about it. Japanese seem to think the same. America have the most censoring ratings that I know of.
The coffee' s like the fish that Lily offered to Slughorn , the cup' s empty and the whole point is to find some way to fill it again, or else all of life' s trials where endured in vain ... naaah, just kidding !
^ Same here. You can' t judge anything just watching the first two episodes.
Did you happen to throw some program files/directories to the bin instead of properly removing said programs ? If you did then : -if you remember which programs that was : you can still reinstall them, then uninstall them properly (via Windows Configuration Panel => Install/Uninstall Programs Panel) -if you don' t remember which programs that was : open the Windows Configuration Panel=>Install/Uninstall Program Panel. You' ll see a list of all the Programs that are installed on your computer. Then open the Program Files directory located on your main hard drive (probably C:Program Files), every program installed on your computer is supposed to have its own directory there. If one of the program listed in the Windows Configuration Panel - Install/Uninstall Panel doesn' t have a matching directory located in Program Files that means you threw the directory without uninstalling the program. Install them again, and then remove them properly (uninstall them via Windows configuration panel => Install/Uninstall programs). The checkdisk shouldn' t freeze anymore. You don' t just throw a program, you have to uninstall it. Worst case scenario if you really can' t find out which programs you threw instead of uninstalling them then you can always wipe the hard drive clean and install Windows again, but I have a feeling your father wouldn' t like that at all.
:sweat: Nomura should write a book about that. "Nobodies for dummies". Seriously ... On a side note I have the strange feeling that this forum is slowly spoiling Re:Coded to me. Has it already been released in the US or what ? By the way, how come there' s no "spoiler" tag icon ? I always have to type those myself !?!
If he' s got curly hair and calls everyone "dude", BE SCARED !!!!
You do know that "most popular anime" doesn' t necessarily mean "best anime out there", right ? Anyway, the best selling shonen is neither Bleach nor Naruto, it' s One Piece (how come nobody mentioned that one ?)
:rofl:I could watch him play the game all the way to the end like this ! Oh, there' s a part 2 ! And 3 ! And ... 9 of them ? Sweat !
There' s also GTO Great Teacher Onizuka, which is sort of smart (in its own way) and damn funny. [video=youtube;iCZ2DR80Xb0][/video]
You have to play 358/2 Days to get it : Spoiler When Roxas killed Xion any memory of her existence started to fade. When Riku and Roxas cross paths along that tower and grabs Roxas' second Keyblade (inherited from Xion) Riku have some memory flashes. Not of Kairi, of Xion, which makes him both remember Xion and understand that she' s dead. This is confirmed by their lines a little later : Roxas still remembers Xion but he calls her "she". Riku replies : "Her ? You mean Xion ? It' s a struggle just to remember the name now, isn' t it ?" The more Roxas forgets Xion the more he remembers Kairi, meeting Riku fastened the process. There you have it !
I' m backing up Neon Genesis Evangelion too. It' s even smarter than FMA, and it' s short (22 episodes and one OVA).
I watched it on BluRay and didn' t like it : it was pretty obvious that Kayako was CG, and her child was obviously "black and whited" with a computer. The story wasn' t nearly as great as the first two either. The Wii video game is very very short, but VERY scary on the first playthrough. Way scarier than the movies, the fact that Takashi Shimizu was involved in the development is obvious.
They' re funny on you tube too ! All text taken directly from online Christian fundamentalist forums : [video=youtube;qO9IPoAdct8][/video]
The last boss in SaGa Frontier 2. I had to start the whole game from scratch in order to have the slightest chance, and I only beat him thanks to the biggest stroke of luck I' ve had in my whole gamer experience. When I say that I' ve beat him on FF forums I usually end up being called either a liar or a cheater. Even FF7/10/12 ultimate hidden bosses are cute little puppies next to him. Let' s not even talk about the regular FF or KH bosses that you mentioned, how can you even call them hard ? Vagrant Story is quite a hard game too. Now THAT' s what I call hard ! I gave it a few try and stopped playing the game. The first one on the Nes ? When I was fourteen I used to finish it just in one afternoon. Have you tried the second quest ? ^^
I wonder if there' s a better spot for Aqua. The Radiant Garden strategy nets 4000+ exp a round with Terra, 3000+ with Ven ... but only 1000+ with Aqua.
Neon Genesis Evangelion. The whole series was quite a shock.
Movie : Requiem for a dream. (I won' t link any video since it' s not fit for a young audience) Song : Silent Hill 4 intro theme (you have to play the game to understand the lyrics) [video=youtube;5Wo9a3rhydw][/video]
Was it this ? [video=youtube;SiYU3DZCepQ][/video] I was fascinated too. Wait ... what ? You don' t learn that at school ? o_O What DO you learn ?
Just equip Restore guard and a number of Cure/Cura/Curaga. Use combos and shotlocks, and always watch your health. In the second part of the fight you just have to fill the limit bar prompted under "Vanitas", at the lower left part of the screen. Just throw shotlocks or attack and when your attack collides with his turn the direction stick counter-clockwise as prompted on-screen. When the limit bar is full just press X to end the fight. [video=youtube;1Y8SstMQ4pQ][/video]