"Lets go..."he said
she stepped aside,tossying her dark hair
"I should be in bed right now...this isnt normal..." "Your so lazy..."
"Ready?"She asked,a piece of toast between her teeth
Forrest got up from the table where He'd been eating breakfast with Harley, Its too early for this..,He was used to sleeping in all day since he'd never really had a good attendance at his old school,now they were being watched constantly and he was pretty sure they had solitary confinement for ditching class and stuff...though that might have been a little harsh.
ooc-do you wanna move on to the classes? I put a timtable up on the first page
"To you maybe...to us its logic."
"Nonsense? This isnt nonsense...only fact."
He bared his teeth again,turning invisible
"Why Keep him around then? Or does he stay with you? Innes ran away when he was five..."
"Havent you taught him about lying yet Vincent?"she asked rolling her eyes
"No,Its mine....I should've dispposed of him when he was born.."
"No he's not...if he was...He wouldnt be a half-breed."
"I do care.About Vampire's that is..."
"You shouldnt exist.Your abominations...abnormal...there should be only four races in the world,Humans...vampires...werewolves and Animals...not five."
She looked at him"Any half-breed is no son of mine.."
She bared her teeth"Me and My Husband were human....we were married...then we were both bitten by different races's...a week later I was pregnant.."
"I dont care."
"Mom..."he muttered
"Im a vampire.....Kylie Mathers..." He sucked in his breath