Darren needs to sing this on glee [video=youtube;MGke3mL35io]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGke3mL35io[/video] *nods* well goodbye *leaves*
((this was spoce to quote you cat but whatever)) You need to get season 1 and watch it!!! Ohmigodsamjoinsgleeclubinthenextepisode!icannotwai tilovesameventhoughheisspocetobegaybuthekissesquin orrachel!?lolzwthbbqandohmigoddarrencrissisgoingto beongleetooandheisalsogoingtobegayandohmigoodnessh eandkurtwouldbesocutebutireallywantdarrentosing'sa mmy'(sami)sothenitcouldbealittlelovetrianglethingd arrenlikesamsamlikeskurtandkurtlikesdarren!!! :D [video=youtube;MGke3mL35io]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGke3mL35io[/video] ace: very awesome!!! :D
did you listen to the video?
but didn't he do a beauitful rendition of I wanna hold Your Hand ?? aww i'm sorry final *hugs* yay more money!! :)
No Darren Criss (He's rumored for ep 6, this was ep 3) but it made me cry )': [video=youtube;6OxLmnZVSH4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OxLmnZVSH4[/video] and I redownloaded aim! (after like a year!) so if I have your aim you should shoot me a message saying who you are cause when i saw the screennames i was like 'O_o who are these people??' xD
Glee made me cry tonight )': and I just don't know what to do [video=youtube;6OxLmnZVSH4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OxLmnZVSH4[/video]
[video=youtube;vBHONx9vTtI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBHONx9vTtI[/video] wow o_o hey so star do you want to start stardust studios up again? or is drama still bad my drama has completely blown over :)
never too much sexy!!
this thread needs more 'sexy' there thats better :D
check out my farewell thread
heey i'm pretty good, how are you? and sorry for latish reply, I left the site and only get on when I'm bored or need to contact someone
haha yes xD i love the ex-boyfriends , their song for battle of the bands is hilarious
thanks :) its from this ah-mazing webseries: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWhi__zmDSY&feature=PlayList&p=7036788DF36D6AC7&playnext=1 you should tottaly watch it :)
Nice worm guys :D ajk: that is eeeeepic, I love it :) I really liked the ripple effect at the begaing, but later on it was kinda weird on soras face, but still cool ominous: let the girl be excited - haven't you ever had that video that you've been itching to show it to somebody and I finnaly made a new kh video: what do you guys think?
haha yep :) but its a cool church camp we have a song (called breath deep) but everyone calls it the 'Pornagrapher song'
back from camp :D sooooo freakin happy and sleep deprived our group songs were Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway and Bible in a Minute xD
chimpanzee riding on a segway
thats putting it nicely xD they pronounced the names wrong how the hell do you pronounce the names wrong WHEN THERES A TV SHOW!?!?! and sokka was smart and it was just scary o_o
*pops in* Dooont do it ace, it'll get your account suspended or banned!