Well i use omniconvert Dark riku in Traverse Town: First District C33C-HR18-5QXWE VNGU-5A8K-QX4FC 3W1V-PK85-J2CW4 RZR7-ZA8X-7C18E TE9G-2UWR-883MQ Sephiroth in Traverse Town: First District 8XCU-HBTG-D66EG K1XP-EABK-RKP7W ZB80-TKWU-WH726 YABY-76B7-NHUB1 UTFX-MRT0-2W55K
Well what digits do you whant in armax
Sure wich one or two
Here are some codes i ported and made Play as Xemnas (1st Battel) E00308FF 0035B55C ................Boss Warp (L2) [optional 2033F230 00001312 2033F234 00000100 E00407FF 0035B55C................Model Mod (R2) 2085A558 00c26890 2085A568 00c513c0 01C95D44 00000000 E04701FF 0035B55C................Animation Mods (R1) 20922FF8 00e44560 20923038 00e4e4c0 20923078 00e593e0 209230B8 00e62600 209230F8 00e6e7f0 20923138 00e78000 20923178 00e811d0 209231F8 00e78000 209237D8 00ec7400 20923B58 00f3fd60 20923B98 00f3fd60 20923BD8 00eef0d0 20923C18 00ec7400 20923C58 00ec7400 20923C98 00ed94e0 20923CD8 00f3fd60 20923D18 00f3fd60 20923D58 00ec7400 20925318 00ed94e0 20925358 00ed94e0 20925398 00ed94e0 209253D8 00ed94e0 20925418 00ed94e0 20925598 00ec7400 209255D8 00ed94e0 20925618 00ed94e0 20925658 00ed94e0 20925698 00eef0d0 209256D8 00eef0d0 20925718 00eef0d0 20925818 00ed94e0 20925858 00eef0d0 20925898 00ec7400 20925A98 00ed94e0 20925AD8 00ed94e0 20925B18 00ed94e0 20925B58 00ed94e0 20925D18 00ed94e0 20925D58 00ed94e0 20925D98 00ed94e0 20925DD8 00eef0d0 20926038 00e3a570 209260B8 00e3a570 209260F8 00e3a570 20926138 00e3a570 20926178 00e20850 Instructions - Use the boss warp to transport you to the battle while the cutscene is playing activate the model mod and skip cutscene. Fire up the animations anytime durring the battle. Enjoy!!! ^_^ Dw Mickey 11CFA8FC 00000318 21CC396C 01000000 21CC39B4 001C0001 21CC39BC 09000000 103403C0 00000029 11CEFC8C 00000769 21CF0A34 58455F57 21CF0A38 5F303130 21CF0A3C 46544C55 21CF0A40 00004C5F 21CFC2EC 005B009B Dw riku 11CFA8FC 0000089B 01CDD377 0000002E 21CDD378 7465736D 21CDD37C 00000000 01CDD394 00000023 11CDD39C 00000002 00340F84 0000008A 103411E4 00020100 21CFC2EC 003200A3 21CDD34C 01000000 21CDD394 00230001 21CDD39C 09000000 103403C0 00000029 11CEFCB4 00000068 21CF0BF4 58455F57 21CF0BF8 5F303130 21CF0BFC 425F5852 21CF0C00 5F464C54 01CF0C04 0000004C Limit Sora (Drive into Valor Form to activate) - ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠(ported by christo theron) 11CFA8FC 000006C1 01CD332F 00000001 21CFC2EC 000000BC 01CD3376 00000009 1034104C 0000023D 003403C9 000000FF 003403CA 000000FF 003403CB 000000FF 10341362 00000052 201A06F8 00000000 201A0A68 10000006 201C7DB8 0000102D 201C7CE8 0000102D 10341360 00000000 10341362 00000000 10341364 00000000 10341366 00000000 Play as shadow roxas(ported by christo theron) 31CC9C5D 00000754 41D0E98D 58455f50 41D0E991 2e303131 41D0E995 7465736d
Hey sep please make char modifeir TT distriect 2 Man At where i live its 02:22 PM here is more digits Aerith 00003131 00003034 00003131 00003034 Ansem (Cloaked)(might not work at destiney Island) 00003631 00003034 00003631 00003034 Mushu 00003034 00003036 00003034 00003036 Kid Sora 00003531 00003039 00003531 00003039 Sephiroth(will not work at destiney Island) 00003033 00003030 00003033 00003030 Hercules 00003034 00003031 00003034 00003031
Thanks i have gotten board of this game
Cool thanks
right forgot the catergories here is some more Dewy 00003031 00003132 00003031 00003132 Cloud 00003031 00003135 00003031 00003135
yup 2 days to download kingdom hearts 358 2 days
oh and please call me christo
Like i said internet to slow
Yes i can make digits Pluto 00003031 00003036 00003031 00003036 Tarzan 00003030 00003033 00003030 00003033 test made more
Well i would but my PCSX2 ver0.9.4 is not suported by emuhaste and plus internet so slow 500kb takes 1 hour
Please test my digits i treid to make Yuffie 00003031 00003034 00003031 00003034
Oh. what is mickey digits
well cant you make a model mod with animations
i dont suppose we can play as riku soul eater in all worlds
i will test it nope as soon as you press R2 frezzzzzzzz
I will test give me a few minuts My game doesnot even get to the titel with the code on
Hey can somone make riku ally in all worlds