Axel is a lot of sexyness xD
thats cool. im gonna be in choir next year. in fact i have already been invited to sing with one of my friends at an assebly
wazzup ?
hai thar *waves*
left in the forest sleeping under a tree
OOC: Yeah, I never really quit in the first place. I just needed time to think if I was gonna come back or not.
"Fine. If you won't let me go. I will go by myself." "You know that is forbidden Sinder!" "Then let me go. Let me see them again. Please." "We have already told you. You've had your chance." "Why do you keep denying me when you know I'll keep asking?" "You have no right to question us!" A burning sensation came over Sinder and she fell to the ground, screaing in pain. "Do not do that to the poor girl!" All she wants is to help out her friends," one of the voices stood out. "Just because you have pity upon the girl doesn't mean that we will let her back into the world," one of the other voices rebelled. The burning stopped and Sinder was left lying on the ground. "Well I think she deserves to go back there after what had happened." A light was cast over Sinder. "There child, go back to your friends." "What did you do?!" "She deserves another chance." Sinder got up but slipped throught the cloudy floor, making her way back to the world of the living. "Don't worry, she doesn't have such a long time this time." The girl made her way down like a comet down to the world, giving a bright light. Her wings were no longer black after the visit back to the heavenly realm.
The dragon-girl was left alone in the forest. They all left. It didn't seem that she was of any importantce to them. As the darkness dissipated into nothingness around her she laid down under a tree. Her eyelids grew heavy as exhaustion took over. "Vaughn..." She dozed off into sleep.
Hehe hai ^^ But i has to go now :cryinganime: I love you :kiss:
Sinder smiled at him as he took her hand, "We are going to the best reastaurant in town. I forget what they call it, but it's no big deal since I know where it is." She looked at him. "Hide anything that gives you away as a mutant. You also have to jump on my back. I have to carry you there, it's much faster than walking."
oh okies
I felt like typing so I did
I killed my stranger O_O
do it
lol bad joke
I lol'd
Hiez :glomp:
I love you too :kiss:
I'll be back later ok?