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  1. Scarred Nobody
    ...the first episode of the anime version of "Romeo and Juliet" (BTW, it's called Romeo X Juliet). Where the hell was this when I was taking English and Theater in high school?!
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Oct 2, 2010, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Scarred Nobody
    It's a little bit of an experiment I'm going to try out. I got the inspriation from a radio station that I listen to, where they challanged people to see how long they could go without social meida (forums, facebook, etc.). I decided that I will try it out, and I may probably fail. I won't log onto facebook or kh-vids, the only social media that I actually use.

    I'll be back Friday evening, probably around 6 o'clock my time. Please behave while I am away and try not to kill this place again. OH! But if you still want to chat, I'll be on MSN. Welp, see ya'll in about a week.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 27, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  3. Scarred Nobody
    We were discussing what does it take to make a good paper. One group decided to put down "Proper use of BS". So naturally, my teacher decided to ask them what they meant. My proffessor must've said "Bull Shit" at least 16 times. Best. Teacher. Ever!
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 25, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Scarred Nobody


    I'm transcribing my history notes from my notebook to my computer to help me study for the midterm coming up and I just realized that my teacher is very opionated in her lectures. I mean, aren't lectures just suppose to be about the facts and not intergrate your personal opions?
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 25, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Scarred Nobody

    OH Wow!

    Even thought I have 1700 posts, apparently I've lost all of my orginal threads and postings prior to today.

    At least this place is back! It's like a second home for me; a place where I can relax and run away from the world.

    You raise me up so I can stand on mountains!
    You raise me up to walk on stormy--
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 25, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Scarred Nobody

    Vampires Suck

    Okay, so I saw the poster for the movie earlier this week and decided to check out the trailer.

    Okay, so this is obviously another parody trailer. I'm not sure how to anticipate this movie. For one thing, the Twilight Saga did have this coming for a while now, their only good movie being Eclipse. It was just too big to not be made fun of. It will point out all of the rediculous things in the series.

    On the other hand, I don't see any real plot in this trailer. Lately, parody movies seem to just put in all this dumb stuff and hope that it fits. I love making jokes about how stupid Jersey Shore and Lady Gaga is, but I don't think that it belongs in this kind of movie (although I do compare Gaga to a vampire).

    What are your thoughts?
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Aug 6, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Scarred Nobody

    Hey KH-Vids!

    What does yaoi mean?
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Jul 30, 2010, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Scarred Nobody
    The title will basically say it all. It's where I'll post all of my writings that will be considered poetry. I'll write a few raps, some free verses, and a haiku here and there. I will say that a lot of my poems may be on the subject of religion and Christianity. FYI, I try not to hate on other religions, but I cannot stand people who choose to smash on other people's beliefs. However, that's not what this is about. This is about how words can touch the human soul in many ways.

    I. Above it All (Rap)​
    We're living in a cruel world and I don't want to see
    that the only person I can rely on is me.
    Swimming through our lives, listening to the lies
    of the media and, of course, the devious Lord of the Flies.
    The gangsters and tricksters will play their mind games
    but the lyrics I spin are just not the same
    as those who choose not to speak through the love.
    It's 'cause the lyrics I spin come from my Father above.

    I have been chosen out of all the sheep
    to stand out and filter all through this heap
    of sin and love so we can reach the place,
    break though the clouds, and see Your face.
    To show to all that the world is good
    and to prove to Him that it is understood
    that God came as man and came to die
    so we can also have wings and learn how to fly.

    And to those who preech that there is no Love
    of a God and we can't have our wings like doves;
    I say to you: Don't let your heart grow cold,
    for it will be burnt up and become like stone.
    For ignorance is what you say me be,
    but the flaws in myself I at least can see.
    So I won't allow your hate to fog my mind,
    for when the rapture comes, I won't be left behind.

    So I choose to stay away from things like drugs,
    and if a brother is hurting, I'll just give him a tug
    back into the right direction. So let just come what may,
    'cause I'm simply happy for my life today.
    For the proof of this day and His love is grand,
    so let's give Jesus a great big hand!
    So, I live above it all and face this world
    to share the Good News with every boy and girl.

    II. I Am a Child of Yours (Free Verse/Spoken Word)
    Lying silently in my peaceful bed,
    I pray to receive your compassion.
    I long to be in your presence,
    to be with you in your shining kingdom
    of love, hope, and peace.
    Darkness would shroud my dying face
    from your loving light of gold.
    I am a child of Yours—
    a child of the one true
    everlasting living God.

    I am a child of Yours,
    the Father above all fathers.
    My life is no accident;
    you have created me to live
    out your purpose and reason.
    Demons, devils, and delights
    have blind the purpose you gave.
    All nay-Sayers I see in my way
    wish to separate me from you, but
    I have strength to tell them “nay” because of you.

    I am a child of Yours,
    You love me like all others.
    Before now, I didn’t know
    who you were or what
    purpose that I was received.
    Now the once dark room
    shines like your perfect face.
    A majestically, golden hue
    that would blind those who
    oppose Your almighty word!

    I am a child of Yours Father;
    my goal has never been more clear.
    This special mission that you gave me
    was designed for me to fulfill
    and complete, without questioning.
    My past “me” has passed away,
    forever laying in a restless tomb.
    You love us all the same,
    for we are only human—
    but we are all precious children of Yours

    III. Stars (free verse/spoken word)
    My Shadow extends as the lights dim away,
    for the dark must rule now, this is the truth.
    Since the light is hindered, does that mean life
    must also die, to bring forth chaos of our fears?
    My light shall never dim or die, this is my truth
    which I was raised upon, and so will your light
    if you choose it to shine brighter than my own.
    Combined light, combined hearts, combined minds,
    that love we feel will never give in or fade away.
    Our own truths shine much like the starry sky;
    separate on its own, powerless as just one star.
    For a star is a sun, from here reaches little light.
    But, starry nights glimmer with not one, but many,
    a power of thousands to cut through the night,
    to light our journeys home, wherever we belong.

    Please tell me what you think. I'll update this page as soon as I can.

    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Jul 25, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Scarred Nobody
    Okay, not really, but we were suppose create a short parody episode based on the play Odipus Rex in my theater class today (they SERIOUSLY have this as a summer college course?!). I got to play the the part of Odipus during the begining stages of the play. In our version, he was a heavy drinker who became CEO of IBM after the previous CEO was mysteriously murdered last week.

    Another one of our characters was the blind prophet, that we turned into Terry: A poor pothead that would give you "visions" for the right price.

    If you ever read this play or know anything about Odipus, you may guess where all this went. I argued with Terry until she left, with me threatening to call the authorities.

    I just realized that our character Terry was much like the one for Reno 911, except ours was female. Ah, classic literature mixed with the modern age...
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Jul 12, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Scarred Nobody
    For the past year, three of the Haruhi Suzumiya Series books (originally written by Nagaru Tanigawa) have been offically translated into the English language. The novels have had their hit with anime fans thanks to the hit series The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. This novel, the third in the series, is a series of short stories about the inbetween times between the first two books (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya).

    It may sound totally biased, but I loved this book. I was able to finish it all in one night. Each short story has an anime episode but it was good to imagine it through my own mind. It also gives deeper thought into the characters and the situation you are in. It also had humerous moments and great plot developement.

    This book will be a definite BUY for the fans of the series! For everyone else, see if you can borrow it and try it out for yourself. Of course, you can just watch the anime. (And in my opinion, it is much better than The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Jul 12, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Literature
  11. Scarred Nobody
    A new series that I am developing. I will say that this does dig into the mythology of vampires and werewolves. This is just a warning for those who are tired of those kinds of stories. You do not have to read it if you don't want to. This was also something new for me. I have written in the 1st person in the past, but not as this kind of character. You'll understand when you see. it. It may take a while for episodes to be uploaded, so don't expect some kind of weekly thing. It's more of a "when I find the time to write one thing." So you could have two episodes in a week or just one for two weeks. Now I am ready to present...

    Within Darkness
    by tummer

    Episode 0
    My story will begin exactly where my old life will end. There was nothing interesting about my life before then. Until this moment, I wouldn’t believe that beings from fantasy games and fairy tales could possibly exist. It’s crammed down our throats to believe that there is no such thing as wizards, vampires, and werewolves. Having that stated, would you believe that we’re taught that these beings don’t exist by those who embody these creatures. That itself may be a self contradiction, right?

    My name is Joseph. That’s all you need to know. My last name belongs to the parents who left me to deal with the foster care system. It did become apparent that I did need a last name in order to participate in this world. It would be useful for such things as credit cards and receiving paychecks. I couldn’t go by Joseph “Blank†forever. So, I chose a simple name: White. It doesn’t sound too clichéd, and it sounds like a name you’re born into. Joseph White, your beloved narrator. Man, I’m stupid.

    The reason why I chose to start my story here is because that is where it gets interesting. My life before then is nothing but a normal human life. I’m not saying that I’m not human at this point; I’m just stating that this is where the good part begins. It wouldn’t be interesting if I bored you with details of my life before this particular chain of events. All that you really need to know about me is that I had no family to support me and I am a sixteen year old junior student enrolled at Marry Shelly Academy. I do find it kind of funny that they named a school after the woman who wrote Frankenstein, one of the most melancholic stories I’ve ever read.

    However, it was people like Mary Shelly who kept these creatures alive. She didn’t exactly write about zombie life, but that race is probably alive and kicking (get it?). Novelists and grand story tellers have spread legends of these creatures, partially wishing that they were real. I know this is true because I am guiltily of making this wish once or twice myself. Well, my wishes were crudely granted and now I know a secret that no human is permitted to know. Will this mean I’d have to die? Maybe being a vampire will be fun; chicks are into blood suckers these days.

    If I did die, maybe only one person would miss me. She became a close friend of mine in the oddest of ways. Now, she became my protector. If Anna was able to get me out of this situation, I would owe her my life. Maybe she’d let me be a part of her forces. It would be kind of cool. That would all have to depend if I live past this strange event.

    Who knew that my Algebra teacher was a vampire who has failed re-habilitation numerous times in the past? It’s kind of funny because she gave me so much heat for having a low C-average in her class. It also didn’t help that Ms. Asoka desired my blood for the past few months. Again, this is not my fault…well, maybe a little. She was able to lure me into the dark classroom, all alone, after school hours. I curse these stupid male hormones. But come on; no one looks this hot. Moving on:

    It sucked being pinned to the floor after being taught a lesson in Dark Creatures 101 by the lovely Ms. Asoka. She was ready to just take some blood from my throat when we heard the door burst open. It was a wolf, or a giant dog, with light brown fur and a dark nose. Something in her ivory eye seemed familiar to me. As she growled, her head tilted to the left when she noticed me. Is it you, Anna? This was just too freaky! My vampire teacher, who until recently had me pinned to the ground, was about to face off with a she-wolf.

    This is where my story begins:

    Please tell me what you think.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 26, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Scarred Nobody
    This was a short story that I had written a while ago. It was something different for me because I had never written a straight short story. This has no seperate chapters, so it was hard to develope the main character. After I got the flow of it, it became simple to write. *NOTE: It's Long!!!*
    I was inspired by tw things. First, chain letters that say you'll die. Something about it just seems interesting to think about. Another one is the Japanese horror movies such as The Ring/The Grudge. It added a whole new element. Anyway, here's my story.

    Please Don't Read This!
    by tummer

    Emily Yagami, a seventeen year old transfer student from Aoyama, Japan, was studying silently in the school library. She was enrolled at Montwood High School in El Paso, Texas; and she was considered a well accomplished senior. Emily was very fluent in the English language and earned her transfer to America. Emily was going over her Calculus homework just because she needed to kill some time before her lunch period. She was halfway done when she felt her cell phone vibrated in her front pocket.

    The sender of the message could have been one of two people. The first person that came to mind was Trinity Asakura, Emily’s best friend in the world. Trinity, just like Emily, was a well accomplished transfer student from Japan. Since the two of them were limited on money, they had to share an apartment close by to the school. The other possibility, the one that Emily was hoping for, was Jacob Montoya, her American boyfriend. Emily had only been in the United States for only a few months but she had a special bond with Jacob.

    There was still a gap of ten minutes before the bell would release the school for the first lunch. Emily gathered her books and made her way to the back of the fictional section. She reached into her pocket, grabbing her cell phone and reading the first line of the message:

    Please don’t read this!!

    Emily paused for a moment, stopping herself from continuing the message. She already knew what was waiting in that message: A chain letter. Thanks to being somewhat popular, Emily had received many death threats from pre-mature buried boys and “trapped-forever-in-a-well†girls. Emily searched for the sender’s name (so she would know who to yell at) but was shocked when she read that the sender was unknown. Surprisingly, there also was no return number for a phone call. Despite the voice that was yelling in her head, Emily continued to read the message, aware that she wasn’t going to send it no matter what it said.

    Please don’t read this!!
    since you have disobeyed,
    pass this curse to ten
    people before midnight
    or die. Make your choice.

    Emily strongly fought the urge to laugh at the poorly worded message that was on her phone. She at least expected a story or a reason why the ghost was so angry. She sent the message directly to her phone’s trash bin and prepared herself for lunch. Emily began to fantasize about her upcoming date that night, it would only be her and her Jacob.

    During her short lunch period—hiding out where the old student training room use to be located—the trio of friends enjoyed their cafeteria pizza. The smell of warm chocolate milk and cold, crusty cheese filled it’s aroma around the friends. Both Emily and Trinity had long, dark hair while Jacob had a short, light-brown hair cut. The hard tile floors and very jagged walls were too uncomfortable for Trinity to sit on, so she decided to stand up. Trinity was staring down at the couple; Emily sat in Jacobs lap, laughing for no apparent reason.

    “So, has anything new happened,†Trinity asked randomly.

    “Not really,†Jacob answered in his rugged voice, half heartedly. He was too busy playing with Emily’s silky hair.

    “I got a chain letter today,†Emily confessed. Why did I tell them that, she asked herself.

    “Really; can I see?!†That was Trinity’s response.

    “Sorry, I already deleted the message.â€

    “Why would anyone send you a chain letter anyway,†Jacob asked, staring down at the girl in his lap. “You wouldn’t even hurt a fly. Give me one good reason.â€

    “In Japan,†Trinity began in a more serious voice. “we believe that anything can actually happen to anyone. It’s supposed to create a better balance in the world. In Western culture, you need to have done something wrong in order to be curse or killed. In Japan, you’re not special because your soul is clean. Death is equal, so to speak.â€

    Emily was able to make it through the rest of the school day without thinking about the chain letter she had received before lunch. It was easy for her not to focus on anything really due to the fact that it was Friday afternoon, causing her mind to slowly shutdown for any school related subjects. When she made her way down to her car, she noticed that she had two unread text messages in her phone.

    Please don’t read this!!
    Since you have disobeyed,
    pass this curse to ten
    people before midnight
    or die. Make your choice.

    Head my warning Emily
    Yagami. I am not good
    with giving second chances.
    Send this or suffer my
    rage. Make your choice

    Deep in Emily Yagami’s mind, it sounded as if a dozen glass mirrors have shattered into thousands of tiny shards. Again—just like the previous text message—there was no name or return phone number. How in the world did this person get a hold of my name and phone number, Emily thought to herself as she put on her seatbelt. The engine roared to life, which startled her, causing her to jump. No; I have to think rationally about this! Come on Yagami, think! Oh! Maybe it’s Trinity playing another one of her sick and twisted jokes on me again. Emily flashed back to Trinity’s question about strange happenings during their lunch period. I also told her I deleted the message. And she is smart enough to pull of this kind of thing.

    Finally, her heart ceased its rapid beating and resumed to the normal human rhythm. Emily—furious at this point—quickly deleted the messages from her phone and refused to pick up the phone when Trinity tried to contact her. At one of the stoplights, Emily inhaled the brisk December air—a foreign scent to her—a fantastic blend of maple tree leaves and jalapeños.

    When Emily finally got to her apartment, she ignored her roommate—who was just reading Eclipse on the living room sofa, not even acknowledging her—and went straight into her bedroom, slamming the door. She turned on the radio, which was basting a scream-o rock song, the singer’s were intelligible. Her phone began to ring while she was changing into her favorite scarlet sweater. Cautious, she looked at the caller ID. Relieved at who it was, she opened the phone and pressed “Answerâ€.

    “Hello,†Emily chimed into the receiver.

    “Hey Em,†Jacob answered in a dry voice. “You sound a little jumpy today. What’s the matter?â€

    “Oh it’s nothing,†She answered. “I got some more of those messages after school. I also figured out that it was Trinity who was sending them to me.†It never dawned on her that she had no solid proof that Trinity was the actual sender.

    “Oh, ha ha.†Jacob almost got sidetracked from what the actual purpose of the call actually was suppose to be about. “Emily, I’m actually going to have to cancel our date tonight; I’m really sorry.â€

    “Why, what happened?â€

    “Well, my old man had a heart attack while he was out at work today,†Jacob explained in a quick voice. “He doesn’t look so good right now. We’re just pulling up to the hospital. Is it alright if we can reschedule for some other time?â€

    “Yes, of course Jacob. I guess I’ll just go and do something with Trinity that night. I’m not really mad at her, and she must be laughing her butt off right about now.â€

    “Alright; I guess I’ll call you when I can.â€

    Emily undressed herself once more, changing into something that was far more casual than a date. A usual night out with these two girls was the same old routine: catch whatever was on at the nearest movie theater and grab a bite to eat at Fuddruckers. In her mind, Emily had forgiven Trinity for her silly little prank. This kind of thing happened between the two of them every few days just because Trinity was bored. Passing by her bedroom window for a moment, Emily thought that she had seen a little girl in a long, yellow church dress standing outside her window. The little girl was looking directly through the window and into Emily’s eyes.

    * * *​

    Moonlighters was a half-made, two-starred movie that was about a group of witches that go out on a murderous rampage across New York on New Year’s Eve. Trinity wasn’t that much focused on the movie due to the fact that Emily was shaking in her seat, her face as pale as a corpse. For about the past hour and ten minutes, the only thing that Emily could smell was the intoxicating odor of fresh strawberries and dried blood. When Trinity tried to nudge her friend’s arm, she sprung way back into her seat. Emily’s body was as cold as ice (or a corpse) in the warm theater.

    “Maybe we shouldn’t have done anything tonight,†Trinity said to herself but loud enough for Emily to hear.

    “N-no, it’s fine,†Emily lied. “The movie’s just really scary.â€

    It wasn’t the horrible movie that was causing her to shake like crazy. Emily’s terror official started when the two of them arrived at the movie theater before the movie could start. Emily spied, amongst the crowd of people in the crowded theater, the little black haired girl she had spotted earlier that same evening. The young girl’s face was very pale and her long, irregular hair hid her dark, emotionless eyes. That’s when the smell of strawberries and (more importantly) blood made its first presence into her nostrils.

    Emily thought nothing of the smell until she saw that an older woman passed straight through the young, dark haired girl. Following that moment, a rather large party of people passed right through the little girl, whose face didn’t budge for even a moment. This was when Emily came to two conclusions about this girl: The girl wasn’t only transparent but it seemed as if Emily was the only one who could see her.

    “Emily,†Trinity asked, noticing her staring into the distance at nothing, “are you okay?â€

    The little girl was standing completely erect and began to create an ear piercing screech once she opened her mouth. Emily—whose the only person who can hear it, so she becomes her only victim—began to cover her ears but the noise did not muffle itself. Yes, the scream was coming from the little girl, but it was able to transfer the deafening scream right into her head. Without fail, Emily collapsed right onto her knees and began to cry from the horrible pain she was experiencing. She was wishing that Jacob was with her, although he would be as much help as Trinity was at this moment. The moment she looked up to find the girl again, both the screaming and the ghost had disappeared.

    More than an hour and a half passed since Emily had seen the little girl in the giant crowd. Emily could intake very little from the movie because the only thing that she could even think about is the little girl. Why is this little girl following me, Emily asked herself. I’ve been a good girl. I know I’ve done nothing wrong to her! I’ve done nothing—wait! Emily figured out that she had done nothing at all. She could only conclude that it was the ghost of the little girl that sent her the text messages. In this one instance, the chain letter had spoken the truth and the warning should’ve been taken seriously. In an odd way, it was the only thing that could even remotely make any sense. Was she crazy; maybe; but there was no way that she was going to take this abuse anymore.

    Emily quickly searched her for her phone, hoping that it could still provide an answer. She glanced at the time; eleven fifty-five PM. If her theory was correct—but she did pray that she was wrong—she only had five minutes to break the curses!

    “Emily, where are you going,†Trinity asked once she noticed her friend was leaving her seat.

    “For a quick walk,†Emily answered. “Call me when the movie is done okay?â€

    Reminding herself about her short time constraint, Emily rushed herself out of the theater, nearly stumbling thanks to her long runner’s legs. The brisk night air was able to help her breath as she frantically searched for her car. Emily was hoping that she could remember the message properly or the little girl had sent the message again (I doubt she sent it again. She told me directly that she was not good with second chances! Why am I so stupid?!). When she had reached the vehicle, it had never dawned to her that her cell phone was almost out of battery. She began to search for her car key. Emily’s hand was almost shivering as she tried to place the key into the slot, but the key had snapped and fell out of her hand. He heart began to skink as she noticed that the car key was now in two separate pieces. I can’t believe it! I’m actually going to die tonight because I’m just so clumsy! No, it can’t end like this! Emily was completely powerless. She threw her cell phone onto the ground and began to sob wildly.

    Unexpectedly, Emily’s supposedly dead phone had begun to chime as if it were fully charged. Everything was operating; the illumination of the light was shining brightly. The cover screen had clearly read: “One incoming text message from Unknownâ€. Emily had refused to open the phone, accepting her fate in this world. The phone had sprung open and directed itself right to the message. Frightened, Emily bent herself over to real her final text message.

    Please don’t read this!!
    Emily Yagami, you have
    failed. You received two
    warnings. Your time is up,
    now you die. You made the

    On the top corner of the phone, before the phone had shut itself down forever, she noticed that the time was exactly twelve o’clock, midnight. Straight across the parking lot, Emily saw the same haunting girl, but she was now carrying a rusty, old kitchen knife in her left hand. Emily’s eyes began to widen, her legs began to sprint unconsciously in the brisk night. Her instincts foolishly told her that she might have a chance of living if she could out run a reappearing ghost.

    Turning her head, she saw that the ghost girl was still standing in the same place, slowly unlatching her lips. The young girl’s mouth was open; her screeching had begun once more! Once the sound had pierced right into the mind of the foolish Emily Yagami, she tripped, causing her knee caps to burst open. She was now immobile, blood was gushing everywhere. In less than a second, the girl was able to reappear in front of Emily’s cold, crippled corpse. Under the tattered hair, Emily could easily tell that the young girl was now smiling. It was a very haunting thing to see before you die; a young girl’s smile.

    “P-please, have mercy!†Emily was begging at the young girl’s feet.

    The soft, smiling killer relinquished out a small giggle at the girl’s begging. Emily’s eyes widened; the ghost kicking the girl onto her back. She pointed the sharpened knife across the despite girl’s chest. The girl moved her lips to the cry woman’s ear.

    “Goodnight mommy,†The little girl whispered in a soft, innocent

    After a while, Emily had felt no more pain in her body. She was seeing white and then she saw absolutely nothing. The first thing that had gone completely numb was her fingers; the lower half of her body soon followed suit. The last thing she was able to hear before she died was the amused laughter of the girl that had left a gashing hole in her chest.

    * * *​

    Trinity was pacing frantically around the parking lot once the movie had ended at twelve fifteen. At the car, she had found Emily’s dead cell phone and her broken car key. In the distance, she noticed a group of onlookers were crowding themselves in a circle. As Trinity had gotten closer to the group, the louder their conversations seemed to become.

    Trinity had fallen to her knees, seeing the single reason why there was a crowd of people. Lying on the floor was her best friend’s lifeless body, bleeding out of a giant gashing hole that went straight across her chest. After Trinity had allowed herself a few minutes of hysteric crying, she realized that this wasn’t just her burden to bear. She reached into her pockets, grabbed her phone, and dialed the only person that she wanted to talk to. It took three rings, but the caller finally picked up.

    “Hello,†Jacob answered in a dry voice. He was drinking the coffee that they provided at the hospital waiting room. He heard how Trinity was sobbing in the other end of the conversation. “Trinity, is that you; what happened?!â€

    “It’s Emily,†Trinity cried.

    “Emily? Trinity, what happened to Emily?!†Jacob demanded. Suenly, the conversation had ended on its own. “Trinity? Trinity! What’s going on with Emily?!â€

    Jacob’s cell phone began to chime, signaling an incoming text message. He checked the caller ID and read that it was “Emily Yagamiâ€. Jacob let out a gracious sigh; he was relieved to know that she was alright enough to text. He opened the message and read it to himself.

    Please don’t read this!!
    Since you have disobeyed
    pass this curse to ten
    people before midnight
    or die. Make your choice.
    Jacob, I love you.​

    Thanks for reading. C&C please.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 25, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. Scarred Nobody
    Okay, thank you everyone for joining. I decided I better post this fast. Your first assignment; I would like you guys to read a small piece of scripture. It's 1 Corinthians 13:8; which is in my sig for reference. Then, I would like you guys to write a paragraph or two on how you can apply this scripture to your own life/past expierences. This can help break the ice with people.

    Although I don't want anyone to rush on this and you can post it anytime you wish, I would like to have all of them in by next Sunday, which would be the 18th of April. I have to get off of my computer right now, so I'll post mine later.

    Thank you and God bless.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Apr 11, 2010, 40 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  14. Scarred Nobody

    oh sh..!
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Apr 7, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Scarred Nobody
    At least Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince was nominated for an Oscar for visual effects. New Moon didn't get crap!
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 18, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Scarred Nobody


    my mom forgot to mention that my college acceptance letter came in the other day.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 15, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Scarred Nobody
    This is a poem that I will perform next week for a Chistian Youth Convention that I will attend. The poem is inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:17.


    I Am A Child of Yours

    Lying silently in my peaceful bed,
    I pray to receive your compassion.
    I long to be in your presence,
    to be with you in your shining kingdom
    of love, hope, and peace.
    Darkness would shroud my dying face
    from your loving light of gold.
    I am a child of Yours—
    a child of the one true
    everlasting living God.

    I am a child of Yours,
    the Father above all fathers.
    My life is no accident;
    you have created me to live
    out your purpose and reason.
    Demons, devils, and delights
    have blind the purpose you gave.
    All nay-Sayers I see in my way
    wish to separate me from you, but
    I have strength to tell them “nay†because of you.

    I am a child of Yours,
    You love me like all others.
    Before now, I didn’t know
    who you were or what
    purpose that I was received.
    Now the once dark room
    shines like your perfect face.
    A majestically, golden hue
    that would blind those who
    oppose Your almighty word!

    I am a child of Yours Father;
    my goal has never been more clear.
    This special mission that you gave me
    was designed for me to fulfill
    and complete, without questioning.
    My past “me†has passed away,
    forever laying in a restless tomb.
    You love us all the same,
    for we are only human—
    but we are all precious children of Yours!
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 15, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Scarred Nobody
    Shit, I was petrified thinking how i could ever live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights think how you'd get me wrong; and I grew strong....
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 13, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Scarred Nobody

    Fear me

    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 13, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Scarred Nobody

    Oh, Kira No!

    He's involved with the Death Note Remake!!!!

    (skip to 3:40)
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 13, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone