I used to watch that yeaaars ago, I loved the opening song o:
Skip to 2:50
The only anime I've ever finished was Death Note xD
It means he'll become a zombie goast and that building will be his house.
Oh my lord . Edit: Yay Wolfie 8D
If the consequences for just hurting me is death, I'm afraid for the poor guy who kills me then o:
Nooooooooooooooooooo ;_;
:why?: oh god the wording of that
I accept my weirdness ;-;
Same, it tastes all soggy and crap D8
I eat cereal without milk o: Go clean your room young man.
I don't like them either xD my friends and I sat there like "B|" and just made fun of the entire thing. As I said, it wasn't too great.
Meh, my pep rally wasn't too great today, but since it is senior year yes I would be upset about it too D:
I started enjoying this thread a lot more once I saw Gabe Newell in it.
That's my fault 8D sorry
Ingrown toenails are so painful, I need to get another side removed again soon that I never did, do not want xD can't wait 9 months or so, that sounds awful D8
A needle in the toe sucks, KS xD I had to get 3 shots for an ingrown toenail and the first two didn't work, so I ended up getting five ;_;
Naw, there's nothing too special about premium anyway xD
Whaaat I want a Harry Potter Day.
No, we just went back in time and are using the hacker thing as a cover up.