Me too. xD One more post and I'm off. See ya!
Kairi nodded, looking up at Sora before her eyes fell back to the bed. He had just confirmed her suspicions, which she didn't like. But there was nothing they could do. She would most likely have to recover on her own, since they were back in the Realm of Light again.
Hopefully. I hate feeling like this. xD
Kairi nibbled on her lip a little, her eyes lingering on Sora before dropping to the bedsheets. People of the Light were weaker in the Realm of Darkness, right? Having a heart of Pure Light, she was probably heavily affected as well... She didn't like the thought, but it was a possibility.
xD Well...I think I might go soon. I'm not feeling so hot. =/
Kairi's eyes moved to Sora's at the question, meeting his soft gaze. "...When we were in the Realm of Darkness," she told him, a bad feeling coursing through her when she spoke the words. It had something to do with how she was feeling, she just knew it.
Unfortunately, yes that is the case. xD
Kairi moved her hand by her face to the mattress, slowly pushing herself up. She kept a hand there to hold herself up, her legs out to the side of her with the covers still over them. "I don't really know," she admitted softly, looking down at the sheets. "I just feel really...weak and tired."
And fattening. xP
Kairi's gaze lowered to the bed, silently agreeing. That would be a good reason to ask if something was wrong. She was just so tired and weak, and she wasn't exactly sure why. Ever since Smith took her and Namine to the Realm of Darkness, she felt worse and worse.
My sister eats it with pizza. xD Even sicker.
Kairi released a soft breath, her gaze staying on Sora when he moved her hair back. "That obvious, huh?" she said softly. She wasn't feeling...sick, really. She felt weaker than normal, if anything. Obviously Sora could tell, though she wasn't sure how.
xD You like it with pizza?
Kairi opened her eyes, her sight immediately falling on Sora once more. By the look in his blue eyes and the sound of his voice, he wanted nothing but the truth from her. Remember the wall, she told herself, recalling what she and Sora had discussed earlier, when she first started feeling odd. Kairi shook her head a little as she continued to lie down. "No, not really," she replied honestly.
The Last Song - Rihanna
It's just...ewwy. xDD
"Oh," Kairi groaned, furrowing her eyebrows as she shut her eyes again. She couldn't believe she'd slept so late! She was usually up and moving around by ten most days.
Fire Bomb - Rihanna
Haha. ME. xD
Kairi lowered her hand back down to the pillow, opening her eyes fully even though they were still heavy from sleep. "What time is it?" she asked groggily, seeing Sora closer to her now. She wasn't sure what time it was when she was awake earlier, but she was still curious.