"Admit it,you just wanted to wear a big puffy dress,with lovely hair and have someone dance with you and blah blah blah..."River said grinned,eyes half shut,as her twirled a strand of her hair around his finger "Hm..Im not sure about them...have to ask princess up there."
"Yeah well...He better not...but we're in luck if his sister shows up....I can sweet-talk her into letting us go."he grinned"part of my charm is...I normally get what I want." "yeah...dancing sheep....thats just wrong.." ooc-sheep scare me O_O...In a dream they were evil and tried to steal my dogs :S creeped me out XD I had this idea that since River was injected with the same stuff as August,he kills Summer and doesnt really care about it.
"she hasnt had a boyfriend since that Zack kid,doesnt let it get too far...she's....colder towards guys now.....Im not sure weither to be happy or worried..." "Ah prom's nothin' special....just an excuse to spend money and get utterly p*ssed after it because it was so sh*t."he said sitting on the arm of the sofa"and isnt she going with her mates? what's-there-names? Raye and Adam?"
"Must be training..or eating...or something he shrugged "or we just got really lucky...but I doubt that...we'll see someone soon....I garantee it." he laughed
"Um..."Mickey said "I think she's just gonna apperate out the grounds...saves getting that knight bus..."he said shuddering "Slows you down? oh great....she's slow enough as it is.." "Give it a rest River...she's aloud to take her time...its her prom night...and it is Elena...did you expect any less?"
"Dont listen in then."he said sticking his tounge out "got to admire her choice of sheep though..Shaun the sheep is the best."he grinned
Elena was up in her room,putting the finishing touches to her hair and make up,she had on a very bright princessy prom dress,that hugged her body to the waist,then it spilled out,and shimmered,she even got bright pink dye and put it through her curly blonde hair "what's taking her so long? surely to god girls dont need all this time..."River said rolling his eyes
she bit her lip and looked out the window he laughed,then turned to Jacob"and thats why you dont let your mother shop for you.." he grinned"It would be nice."
ooc-okies ^^ should we start? back on the laptop ^^
ooc yeah totaly it would be cute im on the psp just now ill be on about three
ooc-its ok ^^ you know the other Clash of the races' rp? i thought that it could start off at Elena's prom or something and thats where I thought Danny and Jazmin,having been brought back by the volturi,warn everyone. "But there's alot of good things too."he said "Kids give you a good laugh...no body says yourtoo young to do this or that.....well...now its 'your too old!' but oh well..."He shrugged "Jake.....why are there sheep on your pajama's?" "Tell you what....when we get out of here...I'll start looking for a flat or something for us,then we can do the....trial and error phase of not having any clothes on for a day or two...who knows? we might like it and never wear clothes again.."he grinned cheekily "River....not wearing clothes isnt new for you....you hated clothes when you were little....and apparently,like me....you hated bath time..."he smirked "when you put it that way.....but Im sure he wont do anything stupid...he's smart for his age....smarter than Mickey or River was anyway..."
ooc-ok ^^ your in I was wondering if Hermia and River had any kids?
ooc-sorry I didnt reply earlier...my boyfriend was up "Im just saying...certain things...are better when your 18,almost 19 and childless." "I wouldnt mind it either,"River said turning to flash a grin at Hermia and breifly glare at Jacob"would save time when we're......'busy'" "Im sure Mickey and Lake will look after him.."
Toby scurried from the class,he'd gotten a rather rude text from Zack,tellin him where to go.
He gritted his teeth when the teacher spoke to him,but it wasnt to with the class,he was asking if Toby was ok...since he looked a little unwell.
ooc-Ill just move on to the mornning ^^ Toby was sitting in history class,his beanie hat pulled over his eyes and his hands pressed into his eye sockets,he wished the teacher would just shut up....he was not helping his pounding headache
"Under that tree you two love so much.."
"Oh great....a clueless angel..."he sighed "Look....we'll talk tomorrow....me and sir -P*ss-pot can tell you all you need to know...Now....I've just gotta get him to stay here and sleep of the booze.."
He ignored her while he shoved Toby down on the bed,then looked back at her "Your a angel?"
His eyes went wide then he shoved both Toby and Rita into toby's room