That's like silver, and red is like Gold to me. anyhthing else you would like to know?
Silver. It's nicer.
XD that's cool.
Nick. where'd you get Jim? I dont know, I overreact alot.
Dr.Pepper calms your nerves? sorry, was listening to yours and joes convo, *cowers* please don't hate me.
XD my names real common.
did you forget i look through the old V.Ms of Accio? i believe its Ashley.
whatever you do.
no problem =)
thanks =) so are you.
i figured you could use some cheering up, and i had meant to say it but you were with nas
That was luck. i just happened to be on right when you guys broke up. i had to do it soon, or i would lose you. when did you start liking me?
Howed you find out?
You know i've liked you for a while right?
the usual boredom
so what are you doing?
....... :::::D
who with who?
nasirich broke up with her. that's sad, who told you?
geuss what? me and tifa are going out?