I was joking...
same...areyou copying me?
im lucky i dont do e...yet i still end up killing my bdy omehow
xDD so youu been up to much lately?
...well to get sent to thr principle in england...youd probably have either done amazinglyh well in everything...or youd've stabbed...
that does sound quite bad...have you redone the papers?
not too sure what a refairl is...but it sounds bad
oh dear what'd you do this time?
I do the same...makes me tired as hell
II do that sometimes...but during the day I just crash,..if i cant sleep at all at night...school time...becomes nap time
robot unicorn attack...google it, play it for hours and enjoy the addicitingness
:lolface: i dont get it
getting warmer
you want adding? i shall add you cuz im just great like that
Both very well thought answers...but not correct
I can't figure out the answer! How much om could an om nom nom if an om nom could nom nom?
I can never sleep...I just stay up on msn till...like 2 in the morning xDD
^^ you win the win
^^ i knows i loves it
OOC: who said anything about rping on your own...make your character meet another character or something