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  1. Inasuma
    Yep, the staff know all. In fact they don't even need to be ON THE FORUM to know what is going on, that's just how awesome the power is.


    Post by: Inasuma, Jul 3, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Inasuma
    -ninja's you in the leg-
    Post by: Inasuma, Jul 2, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Inasuma
    lol die

    Meh, KHI hasn't really been falling apart. IMO they're doing quite well. And that's coming from someone who is somewhat active on the site (myself).

    But meh, I don't really go around there and here as much as I used to, so my opinion is probably off. :3
    Post by: Inasuma, Jul 2, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Inasuma
    Good work with the smudging. IMO, smudging is a very odd technique that demands the focal point to be focused and sharp. The original stock probably isn't very sharp so I suppose it isn't something you can change, but if you can, try and start with a stock that originally is very clear and focused.

    Bringing the light together in a smudged signature is important too. Some call it a "focal point" but really it's just centralized light. Does it need to be a blotch of white from a brush? Nah, as long as it's getting attention. Brightening up some effects can replicate the same thing as what I mentioned. Brightened smudging, bright colors, etc, can even be a focal point for this. I can see you did a form of it just to the left of the stock's face, but the bright effects around work just fine. Just sharpen it a little and brighten it up in a few spots and it works as your focus. :]

    As for the typo, it's sorta random. But it's not that bad since it's pretty small. Typo is probably the hardest thing of ANY part in art.

    ... oh and also, there's some negative space on the far left. Some effects perhaps? :P Good job on this. I always love smudged work.
    Post by: Inasuma, Jul 2, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Inasuma
    Thanks guys. Gonna update in a second with each round I played. lol
    Post by: Inasuma, Jul 2, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Inasuma
    So let's face it I've been gone for... months... if you don't include the tiny visits I take lurking the forums from week to week. After college got out I was HOPING that I could come back but summer shinanigans ensued and it only took three guys, one car and a whoooole lot of Doritos for me to go on a crazy adventure.

    First of all, forgive me if some of you don't know me. I'm me, I used to be on here all the time as staff but was let go due to the economy. Instead of suing to get my revenge I decided my endeavors were best played elsewhere; somewhere new, where I can start over and indulge in the one game I still played consistently: Pokémon. ;]

    Sometime in the middle of May, myself and a friend decided we wanted to go to an official Pokemon VIDEO GAME tournament. Since there's only five events yearly, all in one month out of the 12 months that there are, we decided that Newark, New Jersey was our best option. So what did we do? Planned a road trip. First we wanted to take the train, then this happened...

    May 9th, 2010
    Me: "Yeah, my friend and I want to go on a road trip for a Pokemon tournament."
    Him: "Dude... I'll drive. It's like what, 50 dollars to travel across the country?"
    Me: -odd look-
    Him: "Anyway seriously I'll drive. Only problem is I don't have a Pokemon game."
    Me: "Cool, I can give you one of mine. Road trip!"

    Then it was decided; we were car pooling 950 miles across the USA to compete in a video game tournament we'd inevitably lose. Of course my mom lives there so we were able to at least stay somewhere.

    We packed two bags of snacks and at the end of the trip we only ate about 1/2 of just one of the bags. >_> and it was mostly Doritos. lol

    We stayed at my moms which was great. She believes in aliens and told us alien stories, and showed me the movie Donnie Darko and 12 Monkeys. GREAT movies, btw. Especially the first.

    According to my mom I've been abducted by aliens and... I need to wear magnets... I don't get it either. lol

    June 12th, 2010
    So fast-forward about 36 days (give or take) and we get to the event. Our Pokemon ready to rock and get raped horribly.

    The official website if anyone wants to check it out.

    It was crowded. Despite how you can't tell from this picture, there were roughly 1200 people competing at a regional Pokemon tournament. Yeah, tell me about it.

    I should probably have mentioned this earlier, but Pokemon is a very complicated video game competitively. A very short-description for the competitive style game-play the Pokemon Company has used would be that it's a complicated game of rock-paper-scissors. There are 493 Pokemon so it can get complicated. Here's an example of the style of battling we were using. <-- That's me vs. a member who used to be on these forums. He also plays competitively ;]

    The Pokemon arena is a complicated one but it is fun. I met a lot of people who were great at Pokemon that I met online from (another) forum so it was definitely worth it in that aspect.

    ANYWAY, so we started battling and at this particular event I did pretty decent.

    Break-down of the event (positives): I was crowd favorite for about... 10 minutes...
    Break-down of the event (negatives): I lost almost immediately after becoming crowd favorite ):

    I got ahead three rounds before losing to a critical hit. Seriously, I hate critical hits. lol

    The team I used: Giratina, Hitmontop, Palkia, Abomasnow

    A very standard team with a few changes I made, but let's keep it simple. ;]

    Anyone who made it more than 4 rounds made it to the "finalists lounge." I was 1 round away ):

    my good friends TDS and BlueCookies (as they go by on the forums I go on). They both got top 16 and made it to nationals (see below).

    The Day of the Tournament: My Rounds

    Round 1: My first round opponent was a solid dude. He lead with Kyogre and Scizor. After he Surfed and KO'd his own Scizor, I had the game won. I won with 3 Pokemon still alive (3-0)

    Round 2: This was even worse than Round 1. He lead with Sceptile and Charizard. I think the only damage I took was from an item I was using. (4-0)

    Also at the Pokemon Tournaments they usually put some matches on TV screens for spectators to watch from. My R2 opponent and I were on screen. I was crowd favorite from this. :]

    Round 3: This is sadly the round I lost in. My opponents team was good and I didn't match up very well against it sadly. His team was Mewtwo, Infernape, Tyranitar and Dialga. I went with my normal team. Because my Giratina has an item that boosts its speed I usually go first but this time I was surprised. His Mewtwo used Ice Beam first (so it also had the same item) but my Giratina took it like a champ.

    Around the time that he had his Tyranitar out, I miscalculated some damage and didn't attack it (when I would have KO'd it for sure). From then on it was a slippery slope.

    After I lost I went to join my friends to watch the rest of the tournament.

    Also you may be asking yourself... all this for a POKEMON competition? Oh yes, it gets better.

    After this road trip we all returned to my humble home in Wisconsin and then... two weeks later... do it again. This time 5 hours away to Indianapolis. At New Jersey, my two friends and I met these two cool dudes named Andrew and Anthony and they met us at Indy so we could all compete again.

    We get to Indy, book a hotel and... the craziness begins.

    June 25th, 2010
    The first night we check-in at 4 AM and head over to the tournament (because despite the fact registration was at 8 AM, the line was LOOOOOOONG).

    Yeah time to get crushed again!

    The lines at this place... man... totally not worth it. We waited for 3 hours talking to tons of friends that I met from online. By the way, the best part of this trip was meeting online friends. Seriously it's unbelievable. ;]

    At any rate, I didn't have any better luck at this tournament. Ended up losing 2nd round to... ANOTHER CRITICAL HIT.

    Seriously Pokemon is starting to hate me because at this point I would like to bomb the convention center. But it's okay, because after we all lost (that's five of us) we troll'd around downtown (not really).

    But first, here's how my rounds went.

    Round 1: I won in three turns. (4-0)

    Round 2: Again, I made a silly mistake and despite how I COULD have won despite that mistake, my opponent got a critical hit at the end and I didn't win. ):

    ^ Because we can.

    ^ A very eager friend. This is Anthony.
    ^ Anthony dying between the bed + wall. He apparently was really stuck, but we left him there for 49 minutes thinking he was joking. o.o

    ^ I think it's a GREAT shot of me. Don't you agree? /joke

    ^ I'm way taller than him.

    ^ Left: Anthony; Right: Andrew

    ^ Left: Nick; Right: Brandon

    I'm a great photographer eh?

    ^ We felt artistic... yeah. This shot had actually drawn a 20-ish person crowd. TOTALLY worth it. I'm at the top right btw.

    Our adventures in Indianapolis were not successful in terms of Pokemon. In fact, we only crushed two 10 year olds' dreams and one adult which later tried to solicit us to give him our $$. Yeah, right.

    Does this all seem unnecessary to you? Well, to be honest, it was unnecessary. To make matters worse our car broke down on the way back... twice. First time, battery died. Second time, Alternator short-circuited. Which if anyone here doesn't know what that is, it's the part that recharges your car's battery. Turns out the Alternator was completely fried from the beginning... XD

    Our car had stopped running on the expressway while traffic nearly destroyed both the car and us. We were sitting in the middle of the far left lane of traffic because we thought the exit was getting off on the left, but it was really the right... yeah we almost died because of that bad prediction. Luckily the guy with the truck pushed us off the road and let us call a tow-truck dude. We paid 320 bucks to tow a total of 78 miles. :] At least we didn't need to pay for it because our parents also contributed...


    Actually if you're wondering if it's as bad as it sounds, it is. But it was bound to happen in order to complete the road trip. lol

    Overall it was a nice adventure. We traveled across the USA's East Coast, down to the Midwest and got about 2500 miles on my friends car. Though now he might need a new one... So anyway, that's what I've been doing and hopefully everyone will understand why I've been gone. Road trips, college, etc. So hopefully this horribly orchestrated story will give you the idea. :D I'll try and organize this some more later but right now it's 11 PM and I'm really tired. Enjoy the pictures.
    Thread by: Inasuma, Jul 2, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Inasuma
  8. Inasuma
    Throughout like all games and shows water has been easily the best. Bending blood is crazy.
    Post by: Inasuma, Jul 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Inasuma
    Water is broken.
    Post by: Inasuma, Jul 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Inasuma
    They always are. The only reason I'd second-guess the possibility of no lip-syncing is because of the fact it is a hand-held game. But it's story information is as important as always... -shrugs- I think it will be fine.
    Post by: Inasuma, May 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Inasuma
    I'll probs just end up buying the game... not the pack. Due to being a college student = being poor + having no time. :]
    Post by: Inasuma, May 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Inasuma
    Finally, some information after months of waiting. lol

    I may end up trying to buy the limited edition PSP, not sure yet. It's probably going to be a $400 pack, unfortunately. Or at least $200. lol
    Post by: Inasuma, May 18, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Inasuma
    Hey, I won.

    EDIT: f- lost the game. -_-
    Post by: Inasuma, May 17, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Inasuma
    Did you try sitting in a fire? I think the heat from said fire would hurt worse than your fever/headache/etc, resulting in your feeling better.

    ... actually that'd probably just make it worse. :/
    Post by: Inasuma, May 17, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Inasuma
  16. Inasuma
    ! I play drums
    Post by: Inasuma, May 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Inasuma
    Anyone else notice the butt-jiggle in the beginning? I'm buying a PC now btw.
    Post by: Inasuma, May 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Inasuma
    lol its okay. tbh i'd probably have less than that if i were this absent ALL the time.


    D: no
    Post by: Inasuma, May 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Inasuma
    Well... welcome!
    Nah I demoted myself really. I can effectively mod one section, but all 32645545 sections... not so well. lol

    Haha same here kinda. lulz

    Not much VGN. it has been forever since I've seen your U/N. :P
    Post by: Inasuma, May 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Inasuma
    I suppose if I was a total D, then yeah it would please me. What I meant was it makes me feel at home. ;]
    Post by: Inasuma, May 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone