Not saying that they are bad people, I personaly think Bush was a great guy, not to sure about Obama, but the way that Obama is trying to achive his goals, and some of his goals, I don't like, I am personaly against any socialistic ideas, and the democrats favor some socialistic ideas, (the healthcare plan for example) but the republicans are more against them. I also don't like the fact that many major news stations are extreamly biased in the democrats favor. But that is just me personaly.
Genservant fired several volleys of fireballs at the Phanlanx, more than a few would most likely make it through due to the small amount of protection remaing, then he ran out of range from Akane's transformation.
I have heard somewhere that the average lifespan of a "Great" country or nation is aproximatly 200 years, the country itself may last longer then this, but it's years of being "the best" are usualy about that long, and america is widely considered to be one of the best countries, but it has passed the 200 year mark, and we are now in a reseision, with a president that realy isn't doing that great of a job. So if you have any insight onto this, I would like to hear it.
Ok, if the "god works in mysterious ways" thing is gona tick you guys off, then I won't bring it up, but here is some information that supports the 6000-10000 year theory:
leaving, I have to go
oh, okay
oh... right, I had to go somewhere.
OOC: no, I meant the other one where he bends over backwards, I did not mean that my character was slowing down time, just that he bent backwards to dodge a spear flying at his face, which is what I have heard people call "the matrix" or "the matrix move" but I will go back and edit it.
Name: Genservant Age: ??? (physicaly 18) Gender: male Main Element: fire Weapon: magical fire sword, one of only seven like it. Limit Break: Trinity elemental: Charges up his power, and releases it while floating in the air, can do it while aided by allies, in which case each ally adds their element, and they each use their own personal elemental attack once durring the limit. Allignment: Nobodies Personality: normaly cold, and doesn't show his emotions, but when he is with his freinds, he lets down this barrier, and shows his true self, where he usaly listens to their advice, and will help out however he can. When he is with Nyoko, he feels like he has to do anything for her, when she is happy, he is happy, when she is sad, he is sad. Appearance: *Other: Normaly hangs out with Cooper, Nyoko, Sakura, Hades, and his sister, Kouri. He, Kouri, and Malum are actualy from the same person, so they each have a peice of emotion from their somebody, Genservant's emotions are bravery and courage. Name: Kouri Age: ??? (phisicaly 17) Gender: female Main Element: Ice Weapon: Magical Ice sword, one of only seven like it Limit Break: Trinity elemental: Charges up her power, and releases it while floating in the air, can do it while aided by allies, in which case each ally adds their element, and they each use their own personal elemental attack once durring the limit. Allignment: Nobodies Personality: Cold and hostile, if someone proves theirself to her, then she will act freindly, and be able to trust them, but if she doesn't know the person, or doesn't trust them, then she would rather not talk, and analyze the situation, without letting any emotion show, other than hostility. Appearance: *Other: Normaly hangs out with Cooper, Nyoko, Sakura, Hades, and her brother, Genservant she, Genservant, and Malum are actualy from the same person, so they each have a peice of emotion from their somebody, Kouri's emotions are pasion and stubborness. Name: Malum Age: ??? (phisicaly 19) Gender: Male Main Element: Darkness Weapon: Magical Darkness sword, one of only seven like it. Limit Break: Trinity elemental: Charges up his power, and releases it while floating in the air, can do it while aided by allies, in which case each ally adds their element, and they each use their own personal elemental attack once durring the limit. Allignment: Nobodies Personality: Bitter, will do anything to gain power, and has his eyes set on destroying his brother and sister, so he can gain their powers and become the most powerful nobody in existance. Will never show his emotions, belives it to be a sign of weakness, but is always feeling anger and hate towards his brother and sister, because he belives that if he hates, then he will become more powerful than them. Appearance: *Other: was a member of the kings He, Kouri, and Genservant are actualy from the same person, so they each have a peice of emotion from their somebody, Malum's emotions are anger and hate
Genservant backflipped, dodge-rolled, and leaned back, as a spear flew strait towards his face, before sending a stream of fire right towards the demon.
isn't that how I always answer?
Mark watched Mya walk inside, then he turned to John and Chi, "so what have you guys been doing this whole time I was asleep?" he asked.
fine, how about you?
Xigbar followed him silently, thinking about what he had said, the dumb kid looked up to me? Is being rude how the young ones show appreciation these days? he wondered.
OOC: are you talking to me? because I stated that my character had control over fire, and every single power I have used is some form of fire, if you want me to power down my use of fire, then I will do that.
Malum narrowed his eyes, this was no easy battle for Phenox, and if his master fell, then he was there to raise the standard, he would lead the kings if his master fell, or at least that was his plan. Genservant looked to Cooper, "I may not be able to kill him for you, but I can still aid you in your fight, if you let me," he said, ready to give his power to Cooper, in the form of a drive. Kouri focused on the wall of ice, making sure it would hold against Xengla's onslaught of lightning.
Albert walked out of the teacher lounge, and into his classroom, "ahh, the joy of teaching the arts of science!" he exclaimed, as he began to write on the chalkboard. Kairi walked over to Sora's house, and knocked on the door.
I just added more to this one, so that I could show more of what I meant by it Oh the end is near and I am in tears for you for you, Sora, for you We have done it all all that we could do is done the end is near now When you died for me I was heartbroken for you I was heartbroken Now I know, we know that we will be together now that I shall die Oh at my last breath when I see your face comming for me finaly And we will rejoice because we are together at last, forevermore
Mark nodded, and walked over to Hwaje, who kneeled down so Mark could pack the last of his gear. "Alright, Hwaje and I are ready to go, Mya, you might want to get some of your things," he said.
Genservant realized that no one was listening to him, forgot I'm not a commander in the army anymore, dang it! He thought, and released the fire energy he had gathered, which flew strait towards the monster's "feet".