That's only 'cause Toothless is so cutee <3 My bros friend left his diploma in my brother's bed @-@ OMFG! My post count keeps dropping ; ;
It's Nova :P I'm doin' great 8D How are you?
The Breakfast Club. Calssic, funny movie. I <3 it.
Has an owl picture for his avatar that I could swear I saw in What?'s album. Coicidence.
Has red text all over.
Ella Blaine.
:glomp: i
Pick a new topic. This one is lame.
Has anyone SEEN this show? O: It is great. The acting is a little overdone at the beginning of the show, but holy crap it's amazing. I've read The Sword of Truth series it's based off of, and the show is very loosely based, but I could care less. It is amazing, mind blowing, orgasmic awesome. If you haven't seen it, you should. It comes on The CW at 4:00 and 5:00 on Saturdays. Sorry O: But STILL! It is so awesome. The actors have such good chemistry.
Hello Kitty. I would get cake every day, and no one would shoot at me or attempt to kill me on a daily basis.
Please, no one downloads legally anymore. EARTHBOUND. GET IT. NOW. That game is B.A.
GLEEEE~ I love GLEE! <3
Dwight Schrute/Scranton/Assistant Regional Manager. Durr hurr. c:
I HATE YOU. >:c Stupid freaky place! THE STUPID CODE FOR THE DUMB VAULT D:< I CAN'T PUT IT IN IN 10 SECONDS! I realize that I made grammatical sense whatsoever. BUT STILL! fujrhirethgi;hgtruufaubgfgruigru;gbu ANGER D:<
Likes sprites @-@
I. Am. A. Robot. Bleep Bloo Bee Ba Boop Beedee Badoom Bo.
No. I'm not turned on by shirtless graphics. BRING ON THE LIVE ACTION 8D
Youre very welcome :]