><'''''''''''''' -climbs tree-
>///> the song oh the kagamine len is you your doing work kagamine rin is one of your family/friends making sure your doing all that work and...
>___________>' oh..okay btw XD your gonna be like this with alot~ of work XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9g14ClNwT8
><'''' how?
>////////////> -backs away- -jumps on a tre climbs it- ><''''
i got the mikumiku dance studio!! 8D this is where i got it from i got the 3 verisons XD i can't wait to make my own XD...
>.> he's not online >//////////////<
im fine thanks.
oh hey there.
-hungry- -takes bowl- -eats it- :3
kagamine len XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9g14ClNwT8&feature=related scew justin biber! i love len!!!! XD
kh is all dead in the sims i killed sora in a fire >.>' XD
>.>' riku lived? :lolface:
true but i hate when he gets hit by sakura >.>' ? what does that suppose to mean? saw kenshin, saw fma, saw spice and wolf, now watching busou renekin >>' ?uh.. okay~? Alot more than you guys some you never heard some you already saw etc. im a amine freak >.> and i live to be a anime freak MASAMUNE!!!!! ygo is not the anime i watch all the time >>'' summoing jutsu by hand it was cary they gotta bite their thumb for blood to summon animals then do a hand sign
some what i remember diao chan's element was ice and zhange he was poison >.>'
i wonder why you like fighting drama XD
candy mountian! charilie: oh god what is that?!