heheheh lol XD oh yeah why don't you like flapojack he's like spongebob XD
*smiles* same here jaden same here
yeah i got it *blushes* yep friendship will always be forgiven ^^
*smiles back*
aww well sure ^^
fine okay then.
1 i am one 2 you keep bringing thingd up you shouldn"t have i only accept soory or forgiveness 3 not true i was happpy about the things you...
*hears what you called me* IM TELLLING ZANE ON YOU WHEN HE GETS BACK!!
*sigh* i need somthing to punch....
why would i uses you for sexual pleaseure? look what your saying! that's not even true i talked to zane in feburay not march ( we didn't have "It"...
what is it? somethings wrong?
lol yeah XD
no i haven't seen him
*still touching the bruise where you slap me at*
oh sorry i was on facebook 8D
*got up* *didn't look at you*
*still doing the same thing*
*fell on the ground* *puts hand on where you slapp me* *tears in eyes*
*hugs back* XD lol mine is boring too XD
lol what happned today XD