the damn site is still down DX
DX noooooooooooooooo
nope your thinkging Dark Magican+Buster Blader=Dark Palidan
they consits of 2 or 3 monsters you use polimerization magic card (unless its effect says otherwise) to summon it
DX lets do this later my comp is being uber slow so i cant get my cards
Hmm its hard to explain
DX im confused
Ok so Snycros there a pain in the ass so i dont use them. They are ummond usaly by one or more Turners and a Non tuner of a certine Atribute Dark...
The extras such as Syncros Rituals and Fusions what do u wana talk about first
thats just monsters theres also traps and spells spells can be playd anythime exept on your oponets turn unless its a counter. a trap has to be on...
Apolutly a 1-4 star is a basic monster they can be summond without a sacrifice a 5-6 is a tribute they require 1 sacrifice a 7-9 is a Uper...
Heheh maybe you need a good duel
The usaual. [IMG]
>:P i know right
:P lol allrighty then lol great song :D
:( its all i have i dont use regualr
:P nm just listen to this song OVER and OVER
:P ya lol im bored
XD allrighty then