Prove it.
No. I am lowering being gay by saying that gay is not a race. Will you argue this.
Being gay does not make you a minority. Being gay does not give you any special rights. Being gay is just like preferring buttsex over vaginal sex; it is a sexual preference and it does not equate you to being black or asian (though I do not condemn making fun of them either, I'm for equality).
Ur not doin it rite.
Into Memory With me You were once such a good thing; You had made me so happy, I hope I did that much for you. Leave me, Please don't try to soothe me, Say it's easy to lose me, I'll find some way to breathe without you. Tell me That it's easy to leave me, And with only the memory Of what I used to be with you. Memory Please look back on what we had, Is it all that you wanted? I sure hope that it was. Night leaves, And the sun brings the mornings, Because with it a new day can sing; And the nighttime fades to memory. I breathe, And I'm watching as you leave, Because with it our time leaves, And it fades to memory too.
But the maker of the thread is the person she's playing against ._. means your birthday is on June 21st?
I'm in the process of making one of the helmets. And IT WILL BE BADASS.
Okay, so maybe I asked people "HOW'S YOUR PENIS" instead of complimenting their vagina. Same difference.
Are you referring to the one mix of those two that also has Steam Machine and Technologic in it? Because I love that.
I'm a Daft Punk machine. I would make a reference to Steam Machine but I feel that relating myself to some kind of robot is enough of a pun.
You're only allowed to play one energy per turn. You're not easily using spark this turn.
Since it seems to be necessary I'll just randomly pop up and offer to be rule mod.
Plug it Play it Burn it Rip it Drag it Drop it Zip, unzip it
I know, I love MTH and those songs don't embody them at all.
I love you