oh brother first im to blame now him who's next
i'm doing just chillin
JUST HURRY UP im hoping for a miracle here i'll get back at her yet hehehehehehehehehe
obviously the key to bringing CR back where theres a will theres a way man i hate saying that
hey kohaku im suprised at you your gibing up that easilly
heyyyyyyy i'm back
*vanishes behind you and bites you on the leg*im not letting go
ill chain you up rip your heart out shove it down your throat knee you in the stomach and make you spit it up and feed it to you again
brings out heat seeker rocket launcher and aims for Nas's car NoN you better get out
is that normal for you i mean why do you feel that way
man i hate women *changes form to thunder wolf
oh geez well your your doing a great job so far keep up the good work
hi hows it going
*charges up to CR and punches him in the face* heh bet you felt that
gulp bast*** you can't scare me with your mind games
empty threats don't scare me so you'd best go back to that lil hole of yours before you get an old fashioned butt whoopin boy
ahahahahahahaha man thats a weak threat the only way your gonna be able to do that is to get by us right ax
umm kim where are you i think somethings wrong with your boyfriend
ok i don't like the looks of this and man those are some big blades uhh CR