yeah XD then again they'll all have to dress up for prom mext friday XD my friend got converse shoes for her prom dress : S shes a tad weird lol
"She was sober though....right? or sober-ish....I dont want her coming home and saying she's pregnant from some one night stand that wants nothing to do with her....cos then I'd have to mak sure he never enjoys and/or has sex again..."
I doubt they would....they're...kinda stuck up XD lol
well thats my chance to cosplay f*cked...none of my friends even know what it is XD ^^
His eye cracked open a inch,as if sensing her in the room,he opened his eyes more widely and cleared his throat "Hi....your back...did you have fun? or is that impossible with my sister?"he laughed
omg thats awsome ^^ I wish i did stuff like'd be so much fun XD Did it ^^
he laughed ______________________________ River was sittin up right in his bedroom,but he was asleep,he'd been watching a film that one of his cousin's had told him about,but had promptly fell asleep near the start,his light snore worked its way up to being a loud snort at the end,he was still fully clothed,hisjaw was wide open,but slack,thus the snoring
cool ^^ i'd love to see them ^^ I've never cosplayed before Irk lol Ok Ill go post something :)
lol XD who did you cosplay? Yeah,but it was like everytime she moved and my mum asked me to watch her and I was do you...
lol aslong as your not blind thats the main thing yeah ^^
ouch >.< she's fine or so they say...she was ill all weekend...kinda scary....I cried everytime I thought about her in hospital
Awww poor you and Sorry if I suddenly parents took my little sister to the hosptial tonight ...
He laughed"From excitement or disbelief ?"
sounds cool lol never wore contacts
He grinned "Told you."Elena said Ooc-I had this idea that River,Hermia,Lake,Mickey and Ocean if you want,are all kidnapped during the night and taken to a lab to see if they can make the perfect fighter group...what do you think?
How was your expo? ^^
Author's note: This is set during 358/2 days,all the Organisation know Xion isnt really a nobody and is just a puppet, all but Roxas...who despite being told he has no feelings,begins to fall for the mysterious fourteenth memeber Enjoy~ ^^ -------------------------------------------- Prolouge,Meet Xion. "Roxas?" "Hmm?" "Time to wake up Rox, we're meeting in the big white room today...Xemnas wishes to speak with us." "huh? Oh sure thing Axel..." "wow....Your really tired today arent you?" "Yeah....Siax works me likea dog."The blone replied to his firey-friend whilst walking down the corridor" Work harder Roxas! collect more hearts Roxas! do this Roxas, do that Roxas! cant I be....normal for once? like those three teenagers we alwasy see in Twilight town?" Axel chuckled,"Roxas....if we were normal..would we be here? without hearts? No. We would have never met, you,me or anyone....we'd still be....somebodies.....not shells left when the hearts is gone..." "I know....I know....its ....hard think that Im fifteen and will never have a normal life..."He sighed "Rox....I promise once we've got Hearts....I'll take care of you...and you will be 100% normal....ok?"Axel grinned at his little blonde - slightly emo he thought - companion "Ok."Roxas nodded "see you after this meeting then..."He muttered as Axel portaled to his seat,Roxas followed suit and sat tapping his fingers agains the arm rest,now an then his eyes would flick to find Axel being annoyed by Demyx,Roxas sighed. "Gentlemen and a great day.....for I have succeeded in finding yet another memeber....our second to join us in two weeks...a Nobody who is extremly Number 13 she can weild the KeyBlade...I present to you...Number 14....Xion." A figure,dressed in black stepped forward,then,slowly when her name was announced she threw back her hood,revealing a girl,no older than Roxas Himself,with jet black hair and bright blue eyes -like his own- staring at everyone...a smile on her soft pink lips.She - Xion- then swiftly looked up at Roxas...who had to stifle a gasp,she looked so...fimilar....but he'd never met her before....surely he would rememeber if he had.....surely..... Suddenly the blonde dropped from his seat,he could hear the other's sounds of suprise and shock,he heard Axel calling his name....and Siax shouting - as usual- he felt someone catch him in strong arms...must have been Lexuas or someone...then he felt,heard and saw nothing but blackness,then suddenly...the Girl...Xion's face was all he could see....though he was still unconcious why? and Why do I feel some connection to her? why do I feel....weird...?
"Yeah Im sure....that way the twins and Immy can get better stuff too."he said"I dont mind, Im sixteen now...almost a adult....I'm better off doing things for myself and speaking of being an adult....mum...remeber we agreed that if I did good in my OWL's you'd let me go to that party Scottie was having before we went ba-" "Oh I dont know Cory....I still think your a little young for things like that..." "Please? Please? Please...please please Mum....I'll even taken...Jamei or someone with me..and I promise that If there's Alcohol there -and there probably will be - I wont drink too much.....Please?" "Okay....Okay You can go..."
oh ok have fun ^^
Hi havent actually spoken to you inawhile lol how are you?