He sounds like a 17-year-old. >->
That was a good trailer.
Zeno: ....And you should care...why?
Zeno: ....*lies on his back* ........
No problem, Jaden.
Spoiler The Game. .
Zeno: ...You think you can save someone...when you can't...life goes on without them...and you're to blind to see it...*turns away*
>-> *leaves you an attack pose* If you've already got it. Don't bother telling me. [IMG]
Zeno: ...And what makes you think I'm boring?
Zeno: ....You have something you wish to say, say it.
Zeno: .........*keeps looking out at the scenery*
Zeno: ....*looks back to the scenery*
Zeno: *smells fish* .... *sniffs the air* *looks at Sakabana* ....
Zeno: *still watching scenery*
...Seriously? You thought I didn't love her? -_-''' Jaden...I meant it like this: "I still love her. I just sometimes don't like doing some things...
Zeno: *just watches the scenery go by*
Zeno: *grumbles under his breath, gets up, walks slowly to Sakabana*
I'm willing to let Funimation work with it...if they could GET the rights to it. >->
Zeno: :sideways: What did you just...call me?