My bedroom door got taken away from me due to the apparent following -I never do anything around the house -My Music is Too Loud -I slam doors -I have a bad attitude -When im being lectured I 'give a blank stare' Also,Im grounded for the summer,No internet acess and yeah No music (All not going to happen) But here is what they said about why im grounded -Well I go do stuff around the house but apparently I ''need to have a smile on my face while doing it''....? WTF -I was playing slipknot on kerrang,To memorize Paul Grey,The volume was up to almost half,it wasnt loud. -I 'slamed doors in frustration' because I was being lectured about my ''Crappy Music'' -I have a bad attittude because im being lectured. -I give a ''blank stare'' because I was once told by my mum that if im ''Ever being Lectured,let it go in one ear and out the other,just nodd and say 'Uh-Huh' '' but it seems that she doesnt like the advice she gives. AND apparently,accordiung to my step dad,Were not ''getting on as a family anymore'' and we have to start bonding and thats coming from a man who could only be seen from the back of the head 8 hours a day because he was on facebook,chatting up some woman,now that he was cault,WE dont get on as a family. Okay,What should I do? I tried to make it sound Un-biast as I could,For people who now what im like emotionally,Im not depressed,Im angry.. A lttle help?
Oh my gosh,My bedroom door got taken away from me!! Apparently my music is too loud,I slam doors and I 'have a bad attitude'....>_<
Well anyways,Im grounded for yet another month,No internet access,Im not aloud any music(Not gonna happen) So just to piss them off im gonna be a...
No,pissed off,my bedroom door got taken off me-Apparently I have a bad attitude,My music is too loud and I slam doors -_-
*Rub arms* How are you feeling?
Yu-Gi-Oh at times,Just the over reaction of acting to be in pain when someone attacks-Its quite embarrassing to watch with a parent in the room xD
True...*Hugs Tightly and kisses* I love You.
Or The Rev from A7X,I actually cried when I found about about Paul-Pretty Lame but slipknot is a big part of me 0_o
Paul Grey (Slipknot Bassist) Died yesterday...I'm really bummed out ;_;
Tiamo Baby.
Well,what happens for when I have to go? like now for instance?
Wow dream big!! xD
I hope so xD You?
Y-E-A-H-H-H-U-U-U-P-P-P-P!!! Are you confident about your finals?
Blue eyes,Brown/Blonde hair. Are you tall?
xD JonMess,Weird Individual lol So...What colour are your eyes?
Six Epic Battles. :star-wars-smiley-02 :star-wars-smiley-02 :star-wars-smiley-02 :star-wars-smiley-02 :star-wars-smiley-02 :star-wars-smiley-02
True. Cat possibly doesn't love me no more cuz I like screamo.
Vampire Chizz
Do you not love me anymore cuz I like sceamo? :cold: