huh i see well nice knowing you XD
um whats going on with my post count?
uh repliku whats going on with my post count?
haha w that's whats up XD
That's good to hear.
I'm good how about you?
Welcome back!!!
Acid Rain...
You take of that while i go wrastle me up some bears.
Was I the guy with brown eyes black hair and wearing a white cloak coming to save you guys wielding 2 keyblade with a gunblade on my blade? /lolfail
2 plus 2 does indeed equal 5. (2.3+2.3)
haha i lol'd sorry no imitation
I haven't a clue that posting in the spamzone doesn't contribute to my overall post count.
Nope can't see sh t captain
The Fuk??? we have the same amount of posts o_0
You fail to realize the joke. Which means... huh >_<
That's bulsh t
haha i haven't seen yu gi oh sense i was in america
It's 1:47am in the morning