If my PS3 wasn't YLOD, I would have done bought this. From the reviews and gameplay footage i've seen on youtube, this game is quite amazing. The boss battles look insanely fun. I also hear this isn't the ending of the franchise, but just the ending to the current arc.
Your using cheat codes, they will not be perfect. You will experience random crash's at loading points from time to time with UCM.
I believed that you couldn't get any code to work. That's why I recommended that master code. If inf jump works then you must be activating the joker wrong or the code is set up not properly. If you are using coder, use the master code I gave on the previous page. Put your codes into RAW format for less headaches to get them to work.
Your codes are encrypted in codebreakers format. Swap magic coder does not use this format. Use these instead with master code I gave you before: Infinite HP 003F1C95 000000FF Max HP 003F1C96 000000FF Infinite MP 003F1C97 000000FF Max MP 003F1C98 000000FF Max AP 003F1C99 000000FF Max STR 003F1C9A 000000FF Max DEF 003F1C9B 000000FF ultima weapon 003F1CC6 00000064
Mine is SLUS_203.70 Did you leave out the extension? If so then you need new master code, otherwise the master code i gave you should work. I use SLUS_203.70 and it is guaranteed to work on that version while using swap magic coder. If you still have problems, post your step by step process of how you use codes on your game and what codes your using.
I also have swap magic coder and "9" types never worked for me. Though i recommend the master code I posted, it is confirmed to work with many of us SM coder users and is designed to be used on that cheat engine. Your problems can only be your master code, you mistyped your cheats wrong, or your using code types that your cheat device doesn't support. There is only 1 version of KH2FM so those are your only possibilities. Post your entire step by step process as to how you use cheats for this game and with the cheats your using.
The master code is his problem. SM3.8 uses old ARv2 cheat engine, that engine does not support the "9" type master codes. ajmrowland: use this master code F02F5EF8 002F5EFB
What cheat device and master code is he using?
I use it myself on SM3.8 and can confirm it works on NTSC KH1. But KH1 had god knows how many versions. If you have a different version of the NTSC KH1, you will need a new master code made specifically for that version. Put your KH1 disk into your computer, tell me the name of a file that is named similar to "SLPS, SLUS, SCES"
It supports the old ARv2 codes. But to encrypt your codes on a cheat device that accept RAW is just dumb. As for your problem, its most likely your master code.
f011f668 000001fd
Ironic I saw this thread. I smoked some with my friend earlier who is in rehad (since its the only way he can get high without them noticing). This stuff is wack. It costs more than weed, you get a weaker high, it tastes like shit, plus the high lasts about 10min tops. Stick with marijuana kids.
Wow, this looks fun. Wonder if you can find anything intresting by playing with the values ;] Wow, this looks fun. Wonder if you can find anything intresting by playing with the values ;]
Hi, It will be released sometime soon-ish. I had to stop working on it for afew months because I didn't have a working PS2 controller. (and I wasn't willing to buy one either :dead:) But I have been working more on it from time-to-time since i got a new one. Right now code plays better than my youtube vid but is very glitchy. (random crash's) I still have to fix that along with his effects and voice. (effects are lookin good, voice is giving me abit trouble) I will keep updated as i fix these road blocks.
Shut down the ps2 and try again (and by shut down I mean completely turned off). Also, you cannot use just any blank DVD-R you buy. PS2 can only read certain brands of DVD's. (I use Sony DVD-R for my ps2 backups) Also when burning the game never burn higher than 4x.
Yes, joker the UCM mod to those buttons. Sora's digit is 54 Roxas' digit is 5A (Dual weild is 323)
Effect mods do work on PS2, but I have not looked at this code in over a year since NeoCloudStrife first made it. I remember in a discussion it was mentioned it did not work on the PS2 for some reason, but I don't remember that reason.
It does not work on PS2.
Why do we always get this? (eh, well, cant blame ya. its in the name) Cheat devices aren't just for cheats like inf HP. (using such cheats is lame and takes the whole point in playing the game out of it) Look at whats done to KH1 & KH2, we can play as practically anyone in the game even if they weren't meant to be played as. Not to mention many games have hidden content not accessible without a cheat device to activate it. (KH2 & KH1 both have hidden keyblades & rooms, for example)
Its doable, but not easy. Manually reversing code is very time consuming. In theory, you just need to find where the game starts off and start reversing the code from there. You will eventually find the UMD check routine. But this is also a perfect example of "Its easier said then done"